“My dear companions,” she said, her voice sinking, “if Heaven takes pity on my virtue, you will be avenged;” and with these words she departed this ill-fated life to enter into the abode of bliss, where women who have lived virtuously find a happiness that is eternally renewed. 牛...
After complex life forms arose on Earth, bacteria quickly evolved in order to maintainfavorableconditionsforlife. EarlylifeformsonEartharosefromtheprocessofphotosynthesis. ThedevelopmentofcomplexlifeonEarthdependedonthepresenceofbacteria thatcouldbeconsumedbylargerorganisms. Complexlifeformson...
According to a new theory by LMU chemists led by Thomas Carell, it was a novel molecularspeciescomposed ofRNAand peptides that set in motion the evolution of life into more complex forms. Investigating how life may have emerged so long ago on the early Earth is one of science’s most fas...
Life on Earth-Fresh Clues hint at how the first living organisms arose from inanimate matterRicardo, AlonsoSzostak, Jack WRicardo, A.; Szostak, J. W. Life on Earth: Fresh Clues Hint at How the First Living Organisms Arose from Inanimate Matter. Sci. Am. 2009, 301, 54-61....
18.Since the first Earth Day in 1970.Americans have got a lot greener toward the environment. We didn't know at that time that there even was an environment.let alone that there was a problem with it. says Bruce Anderson.president of Earth Day USA.But
They argue that carbon preserved in graphite-like crystals -'graphitic carbon'- located alongside minerals such as apatite, which our teeth and bones are made of, and carbonate, are the biosignatures of the oldest life forms on Earth.
life. For various reasons that we could debate, such figuration yielded to disfiguration in modern painting, certainly from the time of Edouard Manet onward. As I see it, the virtue of this model of disfiguration is twofold. First, it allows us to encompass a broad range of realist or ...
I was very much pIeased and astonished at the gIorious show of these gay vegetabIes,that arose in great profusion on aII the banks about us.Sometimes I considered every Ieaf as an eIaborate piece of tissue,in which the threads and fibers were woven together into different configurations,whic...
From atoms came stars, from stars came galaxies, worlds were created, and finally life arose, all due to the eternal competition. Toland envisions a future where three archetypal "nations" compete with each other: the first represents the perfect rule of law, the second represents knowledge ...
And those who are consumed with desire for the noble virgins upon earth [...], these I strangle. But in case there is no disposition to sleep, I am changed into three forms. Whenever men come to be enamoured of women, I metamorphose myself into a comely female; and I take hold of...