According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can ___. A. be created B. be de
解析 (i)Internal energy of a system is the sum of the random distribution of kineticand potential energies associated with the molecules of the system(ii)There is no exchange of materials with the environment.(iii)Flow (transfer) of thermal energy (OR thermal energy in transit). ...
The first law of thermodynamics in the presence of fields states that the change in the sum of the field and nonfield components, of the internal energy, is equal to the change in the sum of the field and nonfield components of heat and work, delivered to the system, and ...
Chapter2EnergyandtheFirstLawofThermodynamics 本章要求 深刻认识热力学第一定律的实质——能量守恒了解热和功是系统与外界交换能量的两种方式,定义、特性及计算方法热力学第一定律能量方程的基本表达式运用热力学第一定律进行工程实践分析 Work Workisdonebyasystemonitssurroundingsifthesoleeffecton...
Chapter2Energyandthe FirstLawofThermodynamics —— Workisdonebyasystemonitssurroundingsifthe soleeffectoneverythingexternaltothesystemcould havebeentheraisingofaweight. 功是系统间相互作用而传递的能量当系统完成功时,其对外界的作用可以用在外界举起重物的单一效果来代替。注意:“举起重物”在热力学定义中是“...
解析 The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the internal energy U of a system depends on its state, and the increase in internal energy 4U is equal to sum of the heat supplied to the system Q and work done W on the system: i.e. U=Q+W. ...
相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 First law of thermodynamics states that the increase in internal energy of a gas is the sum of the thermal energy supplied to the gas and the work done on the gas. 反馈 收藏
The first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律 (20)Thermodynamics is a macroscopic science, and at its most fundamental level, is the study of two physical quantities, energy and entropy. Energy may be regarded as the capacity to do work, whilst entropy maybe regarded as a measure of the ...
双原子/直线型 平3 转2 多原子 平/转 3 能量均分定理(Equipartition Theorem) 温度为T时,气体分子每个自由度平均动能都相等 每个自由度的平均动能均为12kT 17-2热力学第一定律first law of thermodynamics 封闭系统 closed system 物质交换不可 能量可 ...
热力学第一定律(TheFirstLawofThermodynamics)能量守恒与转换定律能量之间数量的关系 AprocessmustsatisfythefirstlawofThermodynamicstooccur.(一个过程必须满足热力学第一定律才能发生) 是否满足能量守恒与转换定律的过程一定都能自动发生?Satisfyingthefirstlawalonedoesnotensurethattheprocesswillactuallytakeplace.(...