hand disparity among modern hominoids, which are explained by different evolutionary processes: autapomorphic evolution in hylobatids (extreme digital and thumb elongation), convergent adaptation between chimpanzees and orangutans (digital elongation) and comparatively little change in gorillas and hominins....
As we have seen, the first hominins were like their African ape cousins in many respects, with the major exception of being upright on the ground. If a surviving relict population of very early hominins were to be discovered, we’d be more likely to send them to zoos than boarding ...
Of course, when you examine this idea of history you see that it’s essentially a secularization of a Judeo-Christian idea of human beings achieving some kind of salvation. And when it comes to this history, Latour’s question has always been: How do people misread their own times? Through...
The exact date fire was discovered has long remained a mystery, with some studies suggesting it was first used by hominins in Kenya 1 million years ago to cook meat. Other evidence suggests that Neanderthals in Europe and Asia harnessed fire, while Homo sapiens evolving in Africa mastered the ...
Predatory CarnivoraThe adjustedδ13C values ofPanthera tigris(median: − 10.2‰, range: − 11.7‰ and − 4.7‰, n = 3) suggest that tigers were probably preying essentially onS.scrofaor might have been consumers of a wide range of prey species in both open and close...
Given that variability (or the lack thereof) within and between assemblages is instrumental for different scenarios of dispersal, transition, and contacts between hominins, it seems necessary to explore where it comes from and what may generate typo-technological variations. Central to these questions ...
selected bones, and ivory were brought back to the caves. This created a new food resource for small, opportunistic scavengers, such as foxes. However, large carnivores did not have access to this resource, as indicated by stable isotopes. Therefore, this was the first synanthropic niche that...
Likewise, in light of new emerging data, including the affinities of the SH hominins, alonside new dates and morphometric and genetic studies, while reviewing the state of the relationships between specimens in the Middle to Late Pleistocene human fossil record, Chris Stringer [7] also extended ...
The identification of such a trait in ancient hominins, such as the Neanderthals, and great apes raises the question of the derived or plesiomorphic condition of the orientation of the acetabulum in RH. In any case, we consider that the more lateral orientation of the acetabulum in Neanderthal...
42 Thence, the consecutive reduction of the masticatory muscle force might not have been a problem for the hominins in possession of a mechanically more advantageous chewing apparatus. The trade-off for humans with the more advanced leverage of bite force may be the more pronounced physiological ...