The First Descendant is a cross-platform (free-to-play) next-gen, third-person looter shooter powered by Unreal Engine 5.
77 Xbox Series X|S 專屬強化 12 種支援語言 12+ 中度暴力,輕微咒罵 使用者互動,In-Game Purchases (Includes Random Items) +提供應用程式內購買功能。 藝廊 此內容已遭鎖定 此內容已遭鎖定 輸入您的生日 描述 《The First Descendant》是以虛幻引擎5為基礎,支援跨平台遊玩的新一代第3人稱打寶射擊遊戲。 玩...
- "熔岩堡垒"和"暴食者"阻击战调整为可以1人开始匹配 - "熔岩堡垒"和"暴食者"下调如下: ※ 未接受1.2.2热修复更新时,在难度未下调的情况下也可以1人入场,所以请在进行更新后参与阻击战 熔岩堡垒 ㄴ 如果在暴走模式下"暴走抑制装置"的光束与其他装置正常连接,则该装置随后将调整为无法被操作和更改 ㄴ 调...
The First Descendant is an upcoming free-to-play looter shooter set to launch on July 2nd for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PS4, PS5, and PC.The First Descendant GuidesDeveloped by Nexon, the game promises a blend of fast-paced combat, unique traversal mechanics, and a deep, ...
Nexon's The First Descendant is a free-to-play looter shooter that also incorporates action RPG elements. Focusing on cooperative play, the game allows up to four players to work together.
PC: C/Users/Username/AppData/Local/M1/Saved/SaveGames Steam: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/The Descendant/Saves Save files will be managed differently on Xbox consoles due to cloud saving. Save files are automatically synced with your Xbox Live account via the cloud, so you...
Games研发的打宝动作角色扮演游戏《第一后裔(暂译,The First Descendant)》将于8月下旬展开PC、Xbox...
Check out the latest character gameplay trailer for The First Descendant, a free-to-play online co-op RPG third-person shooter developed by Nexon Games. Hailey is a new Sniper character who cools down enemies in front and ruthlessly eliminates enemies with her anti-material sniper rifle...
无脑射击新体验TheFirstDescendant沉迷不解释 一个月前,我坐在夏季游戏节的会议室中,迫不及待地想要尝试《首个后裔》。这款由Nexon开发的多人射击游戏,能否在《战地》和《命运2》主导的战场上掀起波澜?然而,一场冗长的演示让我一头雾水,仿佛阅读天书。在毫无方向感的中心区域迷失,如同一只被引导进迷宫的小羊...
The First Descendant Cross-Platform Details: The game, The First Descendant, is currently cross-platform/crossplay compatible between the following platforms: Crossplay Combination 1: Windows PCXbox OneXBox Series S/XPS4PS5Steam (PC) Info:Crossplay is possible between Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, ...