The First Descendant Avis global des joueurs 47933 avis 58 % 15 % 10 % 4 % 13 % Informations sur le jeu et mentions légales The First Descendant est un jeu de tir coopératif à la troisième personne nouvelle génération, intégrant un système de butin et d'évolution inspiré des RPG...
Be the first Descendant and experience a dynamic co-op shooting action.
虛擬貨幣The First Descendant - 5000 Caliber (+750 Bonus) (中日英韓文版) NT$2,990 《The First Descendant》是什麼遊戲? 繼承者,接受您的使命,為了人類的生存對抗侵略者。 一個世紀之前,人類的生存岌岌可危,「巴格斯軍團」為了尋找擁有無窮力量的「鐵之心」,入侵「英格裡斯」,奴役人類並摧毀他們的家園。最...
ゲーム内通貨The First Descendant - カリバー5000個(+無償カリバー750個) ¥15,510 ゲーム内通貨The First Descendant - カリバー500個(+無償カリバー20個) ¥1,540 『THE FIRST DESCENDANT』とは? 継承者よ、呼び声に応え人類存続をかけて侵略者と戦え。
The First Descendant Lepic Build and Best Loadouts. This Lepic Build has a Boss, Farming, and Budget Setup. ULTIMATE LEPIC BUILD TOO.
The First Descendant is a next-generation third-person co-op action RPG looter shooter featuring high-quality graphics created in Unreal Engine 5. Players become a Descendant whose mission is to combat alien invaders – The Vulgus who crossed dimensions over 100 years ago and brought with them ...
The First Descendant is a cross-platform (free-to-play) next-gen, third-person looter shooter powered by Unreal Engine 5.
The First Descendant is a free-to-play online co-op RPG third-person shooter developed by Nexon Games. Viessa wields the ability to freeze her enemies by using the humidity in the atmosphere to her advantage. Take a look at the latest character gameplay trailer for Viessa to get ...
The First Descendant is an upcoming free-to-play looter shooter set to launch on July 2nd for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PS4, PS5, and PC.
The First Descendant is a cross-platform (free-to-play) next-gen, third-person looter shooter powered by Unreal Engine 5.