Whenever a new game comes out, a lot of community members want to stay connected with other players and the developers. If you are looking forThe First DescendantDiscord invite linkand many more useful links to get you started, we’ve got you covered. Recommended Videos All the Links You N...
There’s a good chance quite a few of you have probably spoken to, or at the very least seen this name in our Discord servers. Today’s interview is with Seweryn, known in the modding community as Sewer56, who is part of our App Development team. Hey Seweryn, thanks for joining me...
UTCKSTPSTUTC PS5 PS4 XBOX SERIES XBOX ONE PLAY FREE NOW 赛季2:虚空追踪 公告 2/21(周五)~ 2/27(周四)异常用户排查结果通知 公告 Beyond the Void | Season 2 Episode 2 Update 更新 The First Descendant 1.2.9热修复
Recently we introduced Discord as our preferred community chat platform and it really seems to have taken off. We had a few hiccups and no doubt will have a few more, ... 63 Comments Game News The sky isn't the limit. No Man's Sky Nexus site opened. 15 Aug 2016 SirSalami No...
Away from the producer, The First Descendant director has shared plans for better farming and improvements to characters considered weak. The First Descendant farming improvements During The First Descendant Discord Q&A, TFD_Director_Jooms was asked if there are any plans to improve farming to help...
Image credit: The First Descendant Discord Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly when the feature will be added. In a message announcing its addition, TFD_PD_Lee said “After a lengthy discussion with the AD today, a decision has been made to add the much-requested ‘Jiggle Physics.’ Th...
The First Descendant Characters List with a quick introduction to each Descendant and their skill set. All Descendants in TFD.
Discord user COCATOXreportedonThe First Descendant‘s Discord server “W11 stutter can be fixed when you run game in compatibility mode Win (Windows) 8.” This means, if you’re using Windows 11, it might be worth using Windows 8 as the input. It’s not a guaranteed fix, but it seems...