以下是2024年7月31日星期三的《The First Descendant》更新 1.0.5的详细信息。 ■ 平台 Steam, Xbox Series X│S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 ■ 更新 1.0.5 新的后裔:终极瓦尔比 添加了“终极瓦尔比”。 终极瓦尔比改装模块 螺旋潮汐波:弹跳的泡泡子弹被直线飞行的投射物取代。螺旋潮汐波可堆叠,并可连续发射三次,...
查看详情 Character 解放的守卫者 AJAX 阿贾克斯 曾经的继承者阿贾克斯在退役后,成为了自己梦想中的阿尔比恩军事大学的一名教授,但站上讲台的第一天就后悔了这个选择。因为他收到的语音记录中说,他昔日的好友阿以莎在急切寻求帮助。阿以莎加入的作战是侦察虚空深处的威力。如果没有退役,本应由阿贾克斯去执行此次作战。最...
The First Descendant Ajax Build & Best Loadout. How to create a powerful Axaj Build in TFD. Best weapons, modules, components, etc.
If you’re looking for the latest guides, tips, news, and updates for The First Descendant, PlayerAuctions will have it. We put out all the highest quality content for The First Descendant in one place.
The First Descendant(2024) M Video Game|Sci-Fi Edit pageAdd to list Track The player becomes a Descendant in the game and is given a mission to fight against the invaders for the survival of humans and to protect the 'Ingris continent'. The player can experience a spectacular story by gr...
Ajax is one ofthree starter optionsinThe First Descendantand, with a high amount of defense and a Tank role, is a solid choice to begin with. While you won’t be dishing out massive amounts of punishment, you can play an important role in your squad. ...
For the first playthrough ofThe First Descendant players will be able to choose from one of three available Descendants, Lepic, a grenade-wielding Damage dealer, Ajax, a brute force tank with a variety of defensive capabilities or Viessa, a caster with an affinity for ice-based, ranged ...
这边就为大家介绍14位角色的排名,也欢迎大家讨论。 邦妮(BUNNY),格莱(GLEY),凯尔(KYLE),杰波尔(JAYBER),渥尔比(VALBY),弗蕾娜(FREYNA),恩佐(ENZO),埃西莫(ESIEMO),阿贾克斯(AJAX),维艾莎(VIESSA),沙恩(SHAREN),尤金(YUJIN),布莱尔(BLAIR),莱皮克(LEPIC) 展开更多...
The First Descendant starts off after you pick either Ajax, Lepic, or Viessa. You are chosen by the resistance group’s commander ‘Alpha’ to go on a mission with the happy-go-lucky ‘Bunny’ to collect an Ironheart. This heart is “key” to winning the war against the Vulgus and ...