. .. When humans first walked the world, when nature ruled the earth and sky, a proud tribe is threatened by a series of natural disasters. A bold young hunter named Torka, who lost his wife and child to a killer mammoth, leads the survivors over the glacial tundra on a desperate ...
1. The first people to live in North America are called Native Americans. These indigenous peoples, who have lived on the continent for thousands of years, are believed to have migrated from Asia via a land bridge that once connected Siberia and Alaska. They spread across the continent, formi...
Book Review of The First Americans: The Pleistocene Colonization of the New World: Proceedings of a Paul L. and Phyllis Wattis Foundation Endowment Symposium 1999. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences Number 27. Edited by Nina G. Jablonski. (University of California Press, 2002). [pp...
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Like many Americans, my first ideas about China began in grade school—with pictures of the Great Wall. American Airlines taps China Southern for Asia expansion Foreign airlines are seeking more joint deals with Chinese carriers to embark on surging growth in the country's air travel market. Wil...
Take the first lines of dialogue spoken in the book: “Sweetheart?”“Darling!”“Sherry?” Elizabeth and Ralph Ware are sophisticated, funny, and broke. “Gentlemen in bowler hats queue up at the door all day,” she complains. Cooped up in their apartment all day, she longs for a ...
Additionally, the book had to cover a subject matter which provided the reader with an accurate, first person, narrative of events, times or places of the pioneering period of the U.S. All of the books in the series were produced in a 16mo format with a uniform height and depth. With...
The first half of the 20th century was an era when individuals could have a huge impact on the course of history—whether for good or bad, argues political scientistMichael Mandelbaum. He recommends the best biographies to read about the eight world leaders who feature in his latest book,The...