novel1 noun story, tale, fiction, romance, narrative He had all but finished writing a first novel. Quotations"Yes - oh dear yes - the novel tells a story" [E.M. Forster Aspects of the Novel]"There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are" [...
narrative- First an adjective meaning "telling the facts of a story," from Latin narrare, which is also the base of narrate. saga- Old Norse for "narrative." diegesis- The narrative or plot. Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
fiction as represented in the books 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' and 'Incidents in the Life of a S... L Buell 被引量: 5发表: 2014年 Uncle Tom's Cabin: The First American Novel Translated into Chinese *** Jie,Tao - 《Prospects》 被引量: 3发表: 1993年 加载更多来源...
1、AmericanLiterature,030533/4/5,19thSep.2006,LectureTwo,PartONE.EarlyAmericanandColonialPeriodto1765,.,1.Introduction,InsteadofbeginningwithfolktalesandsongstheAmericanliteraturebeganwithabstractionsandproceededfromphilosophytofictionbecausetherewerenowrittenliteratureamongthemorethan500differentIndia 2、nlanguagesand...
南京师范大学《美国文学史及选读 》期末考试试卷(A卷)专业课复习资料(最新版)封 面
1.InsteadofbeginningwithfolktalesandsongstheAmerican literaturebeganwithabstractionsandproceededfromphilosophy tofictionbecausetherewerenowrittenliteratureamongthemore than500differentIndianlanguagesandtribalculturesthat existedinNorthAmericabeforethefirstEuropeansarrivedthere ...
Elliott wrote to him and said that this was the first step that American fiction had taken since Henry James. The novel sold modestly, not incredibly well, but it sold modestly. And it set Fitzgerald up to have a writing career and to become an important figure in the culture. 大卫·...
AmericanRomanticism 1.ItstartedwiththepublicationofWashingtonIrving'sTheSketchBook(1819)andendedwithWhitman'sLeavesofGrass(1855);Grass(1855)2.Itwasarebellionagainsttheobjectivityofrationalism.rationalism.Forromantics,thefeelings,intuitionsandemotionsweremoreimportantthanreasonandcommonsense;sense;3.Thewriters...
As Phelan acknowledges in his "Introduction," his book is intended as a contribution "to the now centuries-long exploration of Americanness" (2) in American fiction. Yet, by ranging over different periods of composition and novel genres, as well as differently gendered and racially identified ...
But when their relationship is found out, she must leave again—this time banished to another city to work for a visiting American writer and academic conducting fieldwork in Haiti. While Lucille’s new employer studies vodou and works on the novel that will become Their Eyes Were Watching ...