名画赏析|Vol.2。《发现摩西》 The Finding of Moses 【作者】劳伦斯·阿尔玛·塔德玛Lawrence Alma-Tadema 【尺寸】137.5 x 213.4 cm 【年代】1904年【材质】布面油画【流派】 - 画童寄存站于20230104发布在抖音,已经收获了22个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The Finding of Moses(发现摩西) by Lawrence Alma-Tadema ,1904 作品取材于圣经故事。由于神谕指出处于“埃及之囚”的以色列人中将会出现一名带领以色列人的领袖,埃及法老下令将所有以色列的男婴都扔到河中淹...
The Finding of MosesSir Lawrence AlmaTadema
六图网提供精美好看的装饰装修素材模板下载,本次装饰装修作品主题是Francesco Zugno - The Finding of Moses大师画家古典画古典建筑古典景物装饰画油画,编号是3039230,格式是jpg,该Francesco Zugno - The Finding of Moses大师画家古典画古典建筑古典景物装饰画油画素材
六图网提供精美好看的装饰装修素材模板下载,本次装饰装修作品主题是Nicolas Poussin - The Finding of Moses法国画家尼古拉斯普桑Nicolas Poussin古典主义油画装饰画,编号是3041947,格式是jpg,该Nicolas Poussin - The Finding of Moses法国画家尼古拉斯普桑Nicolas Pou
Rivka Ulmer
The Finding of Moses The Finding of MosesOil on canvasTintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) (Italian, 1518–1594)ca. 157077.5 x 134 cmGwynne Andrews Fund, 1939 (39.55)In this brilliantly realized painting, Tintoretto depicts an unusual moment in the biblical story of the finding of Moses (Exodus 2:1...
The Pharaoh's daughter eventually heard Moses crying in the basket, so she had her maid draw him out of the water. She hired an Israelite woman, who ended up being Moses' own mother, to nurse him, but the Pharaoh's daughter raised him as her own son. The Finding of Moses by Hendrik...
John Everett Millais, Victory O Lord (1871), oil on canvas, Manchester City Gallaries. Aaron and Hur holding up the arms of Moses.Edwin Long (1829-1891), Pharaoh's Daughter - The Finding of Moses (1886), oil on canvas, City of Bristol Museum...
Related to mosses:Moses (môs, mŏs) n. 1. a.Anyofvariousgreen,usuallysmall,nonvascularplantsofthedivisionBryophyta,havingleaflikestructuresarrangedaroundthestemandsporesbornein acapsule. b.Apatchorcoveringofsuchplants. 2.Anyofvariousotherunrelatedplantshavingasimilarappearanceormannerofgrowth,suchasIrish...