THE FINALS上线首个限时模式:独行侠银行模式,也就是单排12人混战。参赛者置于一个12人的竞技场中,相互对抗,首位积累到40,000并在兑现站存款的玩家获胜。另外随着1.5.0更新,开发者引入了新的反作弊检测手段。期待能有强有力的封挂体验吧。 目前这个限时独狼模式里面胖子是大劣势,中型和矮子的表现尚可。玩THE FINALS...
在新模式之外,1.5.0 更新带来了一连串的平衡性更改、调整和错误修复——所有这些都在下面列出——以帮助改善整体体验。 此外,在 1.5.0 更新中,我们将引入公平竞争指南,改进和改进了不公平竞争检测方法。从现在开始,我们将更有信心地限制作弊者,并能够坚定地支持我们的禁令。我们的目标一如既往地是让游戏安全、公平...
激活成本从1秒增加到2秒 将激活所需的最小充电时间从1.5秒增加到2.5秒 抓钩 将不再附着在附着在可携带物品上的物体上 卫士炮塔 现在将在练习范围内射击目标假人 网状防护罩 健康状况从1100下降到1000 猎人直觉 激活成本从1秒增加到1.5秒 将激活的最短充电时间从2.5秒缩短到2秒 小工具 C4 玩家伤害从210降低到155...
SYS$HORIZON is a new map with an intentionally glitchy look and feel. It’s one of the most colorful maps I’ve seen in a mainstream first-person shooter, but it still features the intuitive, yet destructive level design that makes The Finals flourish. Of the new weapons (the Light ...
The Plucky Squire (85%) 🙋♀️🎮: Glitchy but clever puzzle platformer Core Keeper (86%) 💻🙋♀️🙋♀️: Minecraft meets Valheim Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (80%) 🙋♀️ The latest and biggest ever Yakuza RPG. Tchia (90%) 🙋♀️ One of the...
He was initially known for winning Tech Republic VI, but became better known for being the first Luigi player to enter grand finals at a major, placing 2nd at King Of Fields 95 3. He ranked 47th on the LumiRank Mid-Year 2023, making him only the second Luigi player to rank top 50 ...
Alongside Kameme, he was considered a force behind the character's signature playstyle, boasting some of the best Mega Man results in North America, placing 5th at Super Smash Con 2016 and 7th at MLG World Finals 2015. His major performances became inconsistent in the latter half of his ...
Though the Mouse House had another record-breaking year in theaters, it posted a $170 million loss for its 21st Century Fox assets, which was mostly due to the aforementioned Dark Phoenix. Costing $200 million to produce (not counting marketing), it only brought in $252 million at the ...
Baymax Dreams of Fred’s Glitch (Disney TV Animation and Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution) Beacon Pines (Xbox) (Steam) BEAST (Steam) Beat Cop (Steam) Bee Simulator (Steam) Before We Leave (Epic Games Store, Steam, Xbox) ...
finals fincas finder fineer finely finers finery finest fingan finger finial fining finish finite finito finjan finked finnac finnan finned finner finsko fiords fiorin fipple fiques firers firies firing firked firkin firlot firman firmed firmer firmly firsts firths fiscal fisgig fished fisher fishes...