Beginners Guide to The Finals 22 January 2024 The Finals Explained The Finals is an exciting and hectic shooter that features unheard-of amounts of carnage for a cooperative, small-scale multiplayer game. Beginners guide will clarify things [...] What can you buy in The Finals Store? How to...
THE FINALS Wiki A free-to-play, team-based, first-person shooter that pushes environmentaldynamism,destruction, andplayer freedomto the limits. You’re a contestant inTHE FINALS– the ultimate combat entertainment game show. You and your team fight for fame, riches, and the favour of generous ...
This game requires aconstant internet connectionfor all game modes. The Finalsis amultiplayerfirst-personshootergame. General information Official Discord server Steam Community Discussions Official Wiki Availability•Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Steam
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页面贡献者 阅读: 更新日期:2023-10-31 最新编辑:战车里的豪杰谢尔曼 页面贡献者 : The finalsWIKI 文件:Thefinals icon.png 进入WIKI 创建(或迁移至BWIKI)时间:2023/10/31 创建人(或迁移申请人):南极之樱 页面数文章数编辑次数活跃用户 分类: 游戏WIKI...
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As you know, THE FINALS is the world's greatest free-to-play combat game show! Our contestants plug in to our virtual world and join teams in escalating tournaments. They fight it out in our beautifully-rendered arenas based on real-world locations that they can alter, exploit, and even...
闲来无事翻了翻wik..猜一手 里面可能有售卖腕表的公司(角色装备的那个) 网络安全公司(The finals属于节目 这种概率也许会有)建筑公司(地图全是各种逆天建筑)各种如同Iseul-T一样的不同服装公司(运动 户
参数: lgname 用户名。 lgpassword 密码。 lgdomain 域名(可选)。 lgtoken 从action=query&meta=tokens取回的“login”令牌 例子: 登录。 api.php?action=login&lgname=user&lgpassword=password&lgtoken=123ABC [在沙盒中打开]取自“特殊:Api帮助”...