The prestigious Shuchiin Academy is where two brilliant student council members, Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane, find themselves engaged in a battle of wits to make the other confess their love first. As prideful and intelligent as they are, Kaguya and Miyuki believe that the one who ...
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it willshine outthe clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you ...
I feel for the people who have actually spent a ton of money. Certainly didn't get your monies worth. Don't waste your money even if you have it to burn, id say your better off giving to a panhandler then letting these people rip you off. You've been warned... Developer...
He enters the battlefield with a mind filled with propaganda but soon realizes his dreams of being an iconic hero reached too far. A tough and emotionally gripping movie that will make you uncomfortable and compelled to keep watching. It's one of the best Oscar movies to stream online with...
Here are the best Switch FPS games in 2024 that you need to play, from epic triple-A titans such as Doom to indie gems like Superhot.
19. Battlefield 1 It’d rude not to mention The Finals without paying homage Embark’s heritage. Battlefield 1 gave new life to the long-running FPS franchise, giving players familiar BF-style action with a much-needed overhaul to its core gameplay. While it has a great campaign to dive...
To draw something means to choose it or to be given it, as part of a competition, game, or lottery. We delved through a sackful of letters to draw the winning name... 我们把手探进一袋信件中抽取获奖者。 Draw is also a noun. ...the draw for the quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup. ...
“I saw a mouse running up the bell-rope, and it came to my mind: There was a mouse for want of stairs, ‘Ran up a rope to say his prayers.” Father was not amused and reached for the rod. Isaac fell to his knees and begged: ...
And despite the chaos of getting a professional sports team off the ground in six months, they were able to hit the ground running, making multiple appearances in the Finals. That magic run screeched to a halt as quickly as it started and the Liberty suddenly found themselves exiled out of...
• StoryWorth: For the person who has everything, these heartfelt, custom bound books filled with your favorite memories are $10 off. • The Container Store: Organization not up to par? The Container Store has 30% off across its bins, closet systems, decorative boxes and more. •...