Also admittedly Elena was in the final stages of ovarian cancer. She had come home from the hospital, in fact that very day, basically to die. You may ask yourselves, “What damages did she really endure?” Well, you will hear from Hose Pitino and what you will hear is that she had...
I had not thought death had undone so many.Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,And each man fixed his eyes before his feet.Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hoursWith a dead sound on the final stroke of nine.There I saw one ...
【无授权翻译】The..由于作者设置了禁止私信,所以我要不到授权了。谢谢@tisnet 的推荐,我姑且试试,一天只能翻译一点点。尽量每天坚持翻译个半小时(龟速吧?没办法咿呀,要期末考试咧),不过没关系,全当练习英文,不然学的
Death can be a reason for the public to be aware of the war, because there are already people dying for it. The final statement shows that the ideals of the war are worth dying for. 死亡的话题直至最后显露,收尾有力。死或轻于鸿毛或重于泰山,为”义“而战是光荣和值得的。 I sit and ...
徒劳的想努力消灭我们 他们不能相互保护 But most important of all... 但是最重要的是... weve learned that the emperor himself is personally 我们了解到皇帝会亲自检查 overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star. 在死星建造的最后阶段 Many Bothans died to bring us this ...
And now, Oakland is in the end stages of its life as a big-time sports town. So how exactly did we get here? How does this all look and feel on the ground in the East Bay? And when a city loses all its teams, what's left behind? With the help of lifelong Bay Area resident ...
The climax occurs toward the middle of the play (slightly right, maybe ⅗ of the way through the story). Honestly, it’s not that climactic. Today, most writers would probably call the final death scene the climax, not this scene. Instead, we would call this the midpoint, a turning ...
What are the signs, symptoms and stages of COVID-19, and what causes death in COVID-19? How long do you spend in the ICU with COVID-19? How long do you have COVID-19 before you die?Official answer by What are the stages and symptoms of COVID-19? Day 1: The ...
The Middle Stages: 1 to 2 Weeks Before The dying process starts to move faster in the last week or two of life. The acceleration can be frightening for loved ones, especially with mental status changes. As death approaches, you may: ...
Final solution; The final day of a school term Last Of or relating to a terminal period or stage, as of life The last days of the dinosaurs. Final Conclusive; decisive. A final judgment; The battle of Waterloo brought the contest to a final issue Last Administered just before death The ...