The Files of Young Kindaichiis a live-action television series based on the manga series by Seimaru Amagi, Yozaburo Kanari, and Fumiya Sato. Shunsuke Michieda plays the fifth generation of Hajime Kindaichi in the show. The show was produced and broadcast on NTV (Japan's national broadcaster) ...
See The Files of the Young Kindaichi 3's production, company, and contact information. Explore The Files of the Young Kindaichi 3's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for en
The Files of Young Kindaichi has been a mega-hit since its first broadcast in 1995. It is the gold standard for mystery-solving dramas, with the series accumulating fans across generations. The original Files of Young Kindaichi celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its se...
在Apple Music 上收听Shu Kanematsu & 斎木達彦的《The Files of Young Kindaichi Original Soundtrack (Kindaichi Shounenno Jikenbo Original Soundtrack)》。2022年。24 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 16 分钟
The Files of Young Kindaichi Original Soundtrack (Kindaichi Shounenno Jikenbo Original Soundtrack) Shu Kanematsu & 斎木達彦 テレビ朝日系木曜ドラマ「BG~身辺警護人~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック テレビ朝日系木曜ドラマ「BG~身辺警護人~」オリジナル・サウンドトラック Yu Takami "Ka...
The Files of Young Kindaichi Neo(2014) Masaaki Doi Additional Voice (voice) Aibou: Tokyo Detective Duo(2000) Mikito Shigeta Additional Voice (voice) The Boy and the Heron(2023) Yoshihisa Ishita Additional Voice (voice) The Boy and the Heron(2023) ...
The Files of Young Kindaichi 状态:全10集 主演:道枝骏佑/上白石萌歌/泽村一树/岩崎大升 导演:木村尚/丸谷俊平 年份:2022 地区:日本 类型:悬疑/惊悚/恐怖 时长:45分钟 上映:2022-04-24(日本) 语言:日语 更新:2024-11-23 02:53 豆瓣:7.0
《金田一少年之事件簿N》(The Files of Young Kindaichi Neo) 線上看 myTV SUPER 節目重溫。 演員:山田涼介、川口春奈... 最新內容:名偵探金田一耕助的孫子金田一一利用他的超強推理能力,破解各種困難案件。而金田一的好朋友七瀨美雪和後輩...
(2017) Alien Trespass (2009) The Pineville Heist () Orphan (2009) Maruyama, the Middle Schooler (2013) The Bride (2017) The Interpreter (2005) Dragon (2011) The Third Man (1949) Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) Audition (1999) The Files of Young Kindaichi -Jungle School Murder ...
Kindaichi Hajime, fromThe Kindaichi Case Files, is a high school student with a knack for solving crimes. His deductive skills and courage, along with his casual and laid-back personality, make him a relatable character. Despite being the grandson of a famous detective, Kindaichi's humble and...