aThe file type is not supported by the Player. For a list of file types (formats) that are supported by Windows Media Player, see Supported file types 球员不支持文件类型。 为Windows Media Player支持的文件类型(格式)名单,看支持的文件类型[translate]...
Good morning, I started using Affinity Designer about a year ago and have been issue free. But yesterday I tried to open a file I had worked on the previous day and received a "Failed to open file; the file type is not supported error" and found that the
Getting this message on langchain: The FileType.UNK file type is not supported in partition. I haven't found much info on the web. The folder only contains PDF documents, nothing else. This is what I'm running: from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings from lan...
华硕笔记本K43T开机显示THE file is possibly corrupt,这是因为系统盘中的参数设置出错导致的,具体的修复方法如下:1、首先,在计算机的开始菜单中找到运行选项,然后点击打开:2、然后在出现的输入框中输入cmd并回车执行命令:3、之后就会弹出命令提示符的窗口界面:4、然后在命令提示符中输入硬盘的转换...
开机出现“The type of the file system is NTFS”属于D盘有错误导致的。一般如果电脑某个磁盘产生错误即可容易导致此类故障的发生,一般伴随着开机会有相应的提示信息。可以通过下列方式解决。1.首先可以重新驱动下电脑,看看能否解决,如果依旧还有这个提示,则那么需要检查对应磁盘中的错误。如上面提示是...
尝试在 Windows Media Player 中播放媒体文件时,出现“Cannot play back the file.The format is not supported.(错误为 80040265)”错误消息Applies ToMicrosoft Windows Media Player 9 Series 摘要 在尝试使用 Microsoft Windows Media Player 播放媒体文件时,收到以下错误消息: 无法播放文件, 不支持此格式。 (...
File cannot be opened. The file format is not supported by Adobe Indesing... tachh New Here , Apr 27, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Hi, It has happened to me several times now that files I created in indesign can no longer be opened (in the s...
URLs with the type "file" not supported My iMac continues to get pop-ups that state There was a problem connecting to the server. I have attached a picture of the pop-up iMac 21.5″, macOS 14.0 Posted on Oct 12, 2023 8:54 AM (8) Me too (49) Reply Question marked as Top...
电脑开机出现The file is possibly corrupt说明系统文件遭到破坏,要重装系统了,重装系统步骤如下:1、将u盘插到一台可用电脑的USB接口中,然后打开小白U盘启动盘制作工具,接着将界面切换到“U盘启动-U盘模式“,选择需要制作的U盘按照默认参数点击一键制作U盘启动盘。2、重启电脑开机时不停按一键U盘启动...
I can't open a project that i did 2 days ago. I get an error saying "The file type is not supported". Is there a fix for this? and can affinity designer can like a corel file that have backup files? please give solution for this, i using last version of