但是跟着教程走来到了MinGW的sourceforge下载站,往下翻直接下载MinGW-W64 Online Installer,选择好配置之后开始下载报错:“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!” 试了N次还是这样,让我心态着实有些爆炸(悲) 后面我想了想,既然这个只是个“Online Installer”(在线安装器),下载完之后还是要自己配置环境变量的,...
简介: Mingw快捷安装教程 并完美解决出现的下载错误:The file has been downloaded incorrectly 安装c语言编译器的时候,老是出现The file has been downloaded incorrectly,真的让人++直接去官网拿压缩包:https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/...
解决方法如下:离线安装MinWG-w64。访问链接,下载离线包并解压到你想要安装的目录MinGW-w64下载首页。选择版本后下载。解压到任意目录,配置环境变量在环境变量后面要加/bin。测试:打开cmd/powershell,执行gcc -v,若正常输出表示没有问题。
下载WinGw 遇..下载WinGw 遇到了“the file has been downloaded incorrectly”的错误提示,网上搜索也没具体措施,求吧内大佬解决!!!mmmmmmmmmmingw
To use the web management function, log in to the Huawei official website to download a separate web page file, upload the file to the device, and load the file. The source interface of the HTTP/HTTPS server is incorrectly configured. Run the http server-source command to configure the ...
keyStoreLocation: The path to the Java Key Store file that stores the column master key. The path includes the keystore filename.keyStoreSecret: The secret/password to use for the keystore and the key. To use the Java Key Store, the keystore and the key password must be ...
You may encounter the “Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with the audio device. It might not be a sound device installed on your computer” error message if the audio device output in WMP is set incorrectly. Here’s how you can set the proper audio de...
•The PMC application can log in to the server that has been configured as the default server and from which the PMC installation file has been downloaded. Or, the PMC can log in to an alternate server if your primary server becomes unavailable. For more information about logging in to ...
Q11: Can I install the .msp file on a client workstation first before installing the .msp file on the server?A11: Yes. However, the client won't be able to sign into any company database until the .msp file has been installed on the server. Utilities must also be starte...
Q11: Can I install the .msp file on a client workstation first before installing the .msp file on the server? A11: Yes. However, the client won't be able to sign into any company database until the .msp file has been installed on...