首先thefileformatisinvalid的意思是文件格式无效 ,我分析可能是电脑里不存在打开Word的软件,也可能是转换后的Word乱码了,再尝试转换一下,或者私下发给我帮你转换格式
the file tormat is invalid 的意思是:xxxxxxx的文件格式无效.(x代表文件)
一台mysql 服务器,机器意外重启后,N个表报错,想必你已经知道库的引擎是myisam 的了,太悲催,太蛋碎了,先看看报错信息: mysql> desc PARTITION_KEYS; ERROR 130 (HY000): Incorrect file format 'PARTITION_KEYS' mysql> check table PARTITION_KEYS; +---+---+---+---+ | Table | Op | Msg_type |...
EAS 8.5版本安装补丁PT134522来解决此问题,Web附件全部下载,某些单据页面会set 2次billId,且第二次为空。增加校验防止空id报错,请更新至该补丁或最新补丁即可。 【说明】 安装补丁方法请参考补丁说明,并严格按照补丁说明进行补丁安装。必要时可以在测试环境下先验证通过。 补丁安装参考:https://vip.kingdee.com...
0x80070002ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDwinerror.hThe system cannot find the file specified. 0x00000207SE_AUDITID_LPC_INVALID_USEmsaudite.hInvalid use of LPC port. Data collection If you need assistance from Microsoft support, we recommend you collect the information by following the steps ment...
("The envValue:%s is invalid, not in ['true', 'false']!" % envValue) return ERR xpath = '{}'.format('/restconf/operations/huawei-ztp:set-enable-status') str_temp = string.Template('''\ <enable>$enableSta</enable> ''') req_data = str_temp.substitute(enableSta=envValue...
The second and third arguments accepted by the date method may be used to specify the date's format and timezone, respectively:1$elapsed = $request->date('elapsed', '!H:i', 'Europe/Madrid');If the input value is present but has an invalid format, an InvalidArgumentException will be ...
Hi All, I have a excel.xlsx file saved in my system which has been corrupted .I atleast need to recover the data stores .It is a file of 124 KB and has...
This error is similar to "The type '<type name>' could not be found", but this error usually happens because of a metadata attribute. To correct this error, check that all assemblies used by attributes are referenced. The assembly name '<assembly name>' is ...
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'aatrxsource' table TRIAL.dbo. AAG30000 column does not allow nulls. Insert fails. The stored procedure aagCreateRecordsInaaGL returned the following results: DBMS: 515. Cause This problem occurs because an Analytical Accounting record is missing in the ...