Illumina NovaSeq platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) was used for metagenomic shotgun sequencing. The 150 bp raw short reads were filtered with host genome data to facilitate the following analyses. All reads less than 50 bp in length, with degenerate bases (N’s), and duplicates ...
1G). The fruit is ovate or ovoid, with an acute tip, and the infructescence is usually 4-7-fruited (Fig. 1H). Fig. 1 The phylogenetic tree of 4CL protein of Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Pyrus bretschneideri, Juglans regia, and J. mandshurica. The red triangles, bule, purple,...
This sensitivity comes from the dominance of the sg→W+c contribution over the Cabibbo-suppressed process dg→W+c at tree level (see Fig. 1). Therefore, this process provides valuable information on the strange quark parton distribution function (PDF), which is one of the least constrained ...
we also testedV.velutinavenom gland extract. Males showed elevated EAG responses to female venom gland extract as compared to the blank control (Fig.2C) but were not behaviourally attracted to this extract (Fig.2A). Hornets have multiple olfactory glomeruli41that likely respond to a wide range...
Thus, our major research objectives were to utilize regional tree-ring records to extend a network of naturalized streamflow records back multiple centuries for the headwaters of the Milk and St. Mary River basins, and in the prairie tributary basins of the lower Milk River (Fig. 1). This ...
1C). To analyze the formation of the abscission layer, the formation process of the abscission layer was observed using a paraffin sections (Fig. 1A) and stereoscope (Fig. 1B). The abscission layer was undetectable during the first two days after the S treatment, but on the third day, ...
Fig. 6 Differential expression and gene set enrichment analysis in TPX2high COAD. a Heat map clustering of 512 COAD transcripts stratified into high vs low according to median TPX2 expression. b GO enrichment tree in the TPX2high vs TPX2low COAD. Enrichment p value is indicated for each...
While the IL-4 level first decreased at day 16 and then increased at day 30 post-transport, at the same time, the TNF-α level showed opposite trend. Moreover, the levels of IL-1β and IL-6 were lowest at day 30 during the receiving period (Fig. 1D)....
This character has a parabolic distribution in the consensus tree (Fig. 3a). From the base to the top there is first a trend towards an increase in the number of tubules of the preopercular sensory canal from four or less tubules in the holosteans and †Mesturus within the outgroup, ...
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic relationship of Spodoptera frugiperda with other Spodoptera spp. based on distance analysis of COI DNA regions. Maximum likelihood tree was constructed by using General Time Reversal model. Numbers at the nodes indicate bootstrap values (> 50%, 1000 replicates). GenBank Access...