The Fifth Element: Directed by Luc Besson. With Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich. In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr. Zorg at bay.
While we are in broad agreement with regard to the elements identified, it is evident that the fifth element— reform of the global multilateral architecture — holds the key to progress on the other elements. 尽管我们大体同意这些已确定的因素,但显而易见的是,第五个因素——改革全球多边结构—...
The Fifth Element is an intergalactic horological weather station. Four UFO elements: clock, barometer, hygrometer, and thermometer combine in a mothership.
1) the fifth element 第五要素1. Thus it is reasonable to name the media as "the fifth element" of literary activities. 由此,把传媒称作是文学活动的"第五要素"也是合适合理的。2) five elements 五要素 1. An analysis of five elements of rumba basic movements; 拉丁舞伦巴基本动作五要素训练...
The previous four elements appear in nearly every discussion of hip-hop. While other potential elements vary by source, the most commonly included “fifth element” of hip-hop isknowledge. The termknowledgein hip-hop refers to the straightforward knowledge of how to rap, DJ, breakdance, or ma...
(pronounced "Mon-do-SHEE-wan") arrive on Earth in 1914 at an ancient tomb that is being excavated, to extract the only weapon capable of defeating the Great Evil, a collection of four stones representing the Classical Elements and the eponymous Fifth Element that conjugates the other four ...
“fifth element” of the title, we learn, is the life force itself–that which animates the inanimate (the other four elements are earth, air, fire and water). Leeloo represents this element. Arrayed against her is a vast anti-life force, a sort of black hole of death. Every 5,000 ...
all will be lost unless the Fifth Element is found. The universe is threatened by evil in the 23rd century. The only hope for mankind is the said Fifth Element, which comes to Earth every 5,000 years to protect us with four stones of the more familiar four elements of fire, water, ea...
Step 4: The Four Elements There are a lot of variations to the stones, so I opted to take the patters directly from the movie, which I profusely enjoyed watching for the 50th time. The four element stones in order to the image, use four distinct line patterns; ...