You may have heard of the male gaze, but the female gaze is harder to pin down—here’s a full guide to the concept.
Define Females. Females synonyms, Females pronunciation, Females translation, English dictionary definition of Females. ) adj. 1. a. Of or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young. b. Characteristic of or appropriate to this sex in humans and ot
Define female genitalia. female genitalia synonyms, female genitalia pronunciation, female genitalia translation, English dictionary definition of female genitalia. Noun 1. female genitalia - external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar slan
This chapter offers definition to the way in which the female gaze is conceived and examined in this book. It is envisioned as a plural concept: each filmmaker will have her own gaze, given her experience is influenced by contexts and contingent circumstances where gender is just one aspect ...
the female gaze yes, women are visual An overview What is the "gaze"? The concept of the "gaze" describes how an audience views a visually depicted subject. In recent years, feminism has talked about the concept of "the male gaze" in cinema and photography. This refers to the way the...
The Female Gaze is about women making film, being in film and being the audience of the film. A look at female gaze movies and media.
Le regard fémininstands out as the first book-length effort to systematically define the female gaze, something that neither Mulvey nor the many who followed in her wake ever tried. This might be because the endeavour presents a true hazard: any definition of the female gaze as a tr...
NSFW: Female Gazefeatures roughly 25 artists, none of whom identify as cis-males, mind you, though Rivera, before launching into an in-depth tour of the exhibition claimed, “I like to keep it open. I don’t like putting anyone in a box.” Rivera, in defense perhaps, is quick to re...
Research looking more generally at gay pornography/erotica (and the subversion of the 'male gaze'/concept of 'male as erotic object') often makes mention of female interest in this area, but only briefly, and often relies on anecdotal or observational evidence. Research looking at women's ...
Often with minimally clothed figures depicting extreme body sizes, previous studies have shown women tend to gaze at evolutionary determinants of attractiveness when viewing female bodies, possibly for self-evaluation purposes, and their gaze distribution is modulated by own body dissatisfaction level. To...