Define Russian Federation. Russian Federation synonyms, Russian Federation pronunciation, Russian Federation translation, English dictionary definition of Russian Federation. See Russia. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi
The Russian Federation, referred to Russia or Russian, is the largest country in the world, geography spanning two continents Europe and Asia, and bordering countries. Stretches of coastline stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the North Pacific, also includes the inland sea and the Black Sea and...
W. eds. (2000) The Republics and Regions of the Russian Federation: A Guide to the Politics, Policies, and Leaders. East West Institute, New YorkOrttung RW, editor. New York: EastWest Institute; 2000. The republics and regions of the Russian federation: A guide to politics, policies, ...
The Russian Federation, referred to Russia or the Russian Federation, is a capitalist country, is the largest country in the world, geography across the two continents of Europe and Asia, and bordering countries. Stretching from the Arctic Ocean coastline stretching all the way to the North Pacif...
1. 俄罗斯联邦 俄罗斯联邦(The Russian Federation),又名俄罗斯(The Russian)。东欧和北亚,北邻北冰洋,东濒太平洋,东西长1000…|基于495个网页 2. 俄罗斯联邦或俄罗斯 国名:俄罗斯联邦或俄罗斯(The Russian Federation, РоссийскаяФедерация)。国旗: 呈横长方形,长与宽...
"TheFederal Security Service of the Russian Federation, jointly with Russia's Interior Ministry conducted manhunt and investigative activities in the Moscow region to stop illegal activities of six members of an organized, deeply secret cell of the Islamic State international terrorist organization," the...
[Country's name]The Russian federation, also calls Russia (The Russian Federation, The Russia; российскаяфедерация, россия).[Capital]Moscow (москва).Area 1081 square kilometers.The resident population 11,510,000 (acts according to in 2010 national ...
with three or four of his subordinates following him on foot. One of them ran up to us and asked what side Russia was on. We pointed in the direction of the Russian Federation. Then he asked where the military vehicles had gone — we pointed him towards Shevchenkovo, and they went that...
Russia is a multi-ethnic country. In the Russian Federation Russian 79.83% of the population and lived more than more than 180 ethnic groups. In history, based on the Russian language and Orthodox Russia culture ruled by Russia, but the cultural advantage and sometimes it's not comprehensive....