metrophobia- The fear of poetry. Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. Poets/Poetry See Also:WRITERS/WRITING All good verses are like impromptus made at leisure —Joseph Joubert Composed poetry … like a dancer working at the barre, continually exercising the powe...
sound knotsoftwood lo sound lens sound lock sound memory sound of fear sound perimetry sound profile sound proof westbank sound reader sound recording ampli sound sad and lonely sound scholarship sound slave volume sound soft sound surface wave tr sound switch sound the abandonment sound tra arent...
Everyone fears being hurt, of course. Men aren’t from Mars, and women aren’t from Venus; we’re both from this beautiful sexual planet Earth and we both have essentially the same fears of pain, failure, rejection, exploitation, abandonment and destruction. ...
tender loving crap tender of abandonment tender surrender tender voiced tender whisper tender-sided tenderbid document tenderers tendering nvocc tenderised meat tenderloin sliced bee tenderly tenderly brighting tenderness is to blam tendieren zu tendomucin tendon of flexor poll tends tend vt tener confia...
One of the biggest misperceptions that fuel the anxiety surrounding this phobia is the belief that you’re alone. You’re most definitelynotalone. In fact, according tosome sources, public speaking is more feared than death in America. What doesthatsay about the fear of rejection?
fear androphobia, anthropophobia Quotations"Man is only a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed" [Blaise Pascal Pensées]"Man is the measure of all things" [Protagoras]"Man is heaven's masterpiece" [Francis Quarles Emblems]"There are many wonderful things, and ...
Itisa kind or of a shame though, because I sprayed on some Aromes the other day on an intuitive whim on skin and a scarf with a certain level of Chapmanian abandonment and thoroughly enjoyed it. Aaaagggh, And then yesterday, at our friends apartment in Yokohama for a delayed and reschedu...
Sharply in contrast, the youth images are always positive, for example, Augie is always handsome, impulsive, energetic, innocent, honest, reflective and rebellious against the orthodoxy or others' control. Therefore, the contrastive binary characterization seems to show the author's gerontophobia. ...
The title Father’s Gone to War and Mother’s Gone to Pieces may give some indication of the abandonment she may have experienced and explain why she so fervently sought the company of others, seeking a level of contact and commitment that not all of them were willing to give. After over...
an abnormal fear of death. Also calledthanatophobia. necrosis the death or decay of body tissue, the result of loss of blood supply or trauma. —necrotic,adj. nerterology Rare.any learning that pertains to the dead. ossuarium a place or receptacle for the bones of the dead. Also called...