planet-spanning story and deep, highly tactical turn-based battles. Placing you in the shoes of amnesiac SOLDIER Cloud Strife, the game whisked players on an eco-themed quest to take down a corporate oppressor, save the planet from strip mining of its resources and defeat the game's impossib...
It's sweet, and well-written as far as these things go, but in the back of your head should linger the words that appear when you first run the game: "This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed." What's disturbing about a traditional dating visual novel...
We wanted to take a moment to appreciate how far our portable telephones have come by compiling this list – and hopefully, we’ll introduce you to a new favourite along the way. So, what are the best PC games on mobile? Well, there are so many of them, that it’s not easy to ...
Most of my favourite games of 2024 didn't come out in 2024 I want Eric Barone to make his new game, but I get why he's still fixing Stardew bugs Best Multiplayer 2024: Helldivers 2 Dragon's Dogma 2 understands that fantasy's at its best when it knows how to revel in the mundane ...
It's long been said that Hideo Kojima has been more obsessed with emulating his favourite films than making true games. MGS 5 proves that to be false - he wants you to do that yourself. We'll happily spend a few hundred more hours obliging him. Check out our Metal Gear Solid 5: The...
All of my friends bigged it up to be some unapproachable monolith, but I'm so glad I ignored them and finally tried it out for myself, because it quickly became my all-time favourite game (sorry Resi 4). I am ashamed of how quickly games can bore me and how I'll then toss...
11-01 2018 Why staying up all night to complete your favourite game isn’t as crazy as it sounds 10-29 2018 Halloween 2018 Promo Code & Coupon 10-27 2018 Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Trainer Now Available 10-27 2018 SCDKEY offers Windows 10, Office 2016 Pro Plus and...
Each one is utterly adorable and is themed around a phog's favourite things - Food, Sleep, and Play. As you work your way through them, it's easy to appreciate the fact each world - and the levels within it - offers a unique way to utilize your good phog abilities and your co-op...
Now somewhat overshadowed by his overalls-loving owner, Kong lives on through his 20 strong back catalogue, as well as his appearances in the Smash Bros and Mario Kart series. An ape of few words but many friends, he's everyone's favourite Princess-kidnapper - just don't steal any of ...
Watch on YouTube You can find the full list of the best RPGs on PC below. If your favourite isn't among them, it was probably at number 51. If you think it should be on the list, then why not write your own impassioned entry for it in the comments? We always consider suggested...