'The Fault in Our Stars' is a novel by John Green about teenagers who are living with cancer. This lesson will guide classroom discussions about...
TheFaultinOurStarsQuestions Allquestionsandanswersmustbetypedandboundtogether eitherbyabindercliporafolder.Yournamemustappearatthe topofeachpage.Bethoughtful.Youranswerswillfuelour discussions. 1.WhatdoesAnImperialAfflictionhavetodowithHazel'sownlife? Whyissheobsessedwithitandhowhasthebookchangedher? 2.How...
《星运里的错》的铭文,是《帝国苦难》故事中的虚构小说中的一句台词,将水描述为“结合者,囚犯隐瞒者”,描绘了水的意义转变的方式,虽然它造成了痛苦,但也导致了意义和解放。 【参考资料】John Green(约翰·格林)《The Fault in Our Stars》《星运里的错》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———...
This allows them to say, "The fault is not in me, but in my stars." (1) According to the Barnum effect, people are likely to . A.read horoscopes every day and believe in them B.be shy and like to be alone C.take a general description as a very accurate one (2) The example...
The Fault In Our Stars 基本解释 星运里的错 重点词汇 faultn. 过错, 故障, 毛病 vt. 挑剔 vi. 产生断层, 弄错 [计] 故障 starsabbr. specialized training and reassignment students 经过专门训练后再分配的学生;stationary automotive road stimulator (Toyota) 汽车公路固定刺激物(丰田汽车) n. 星( star的...
Play The Fault In Our Stars quizzes on Sporcle, the world's largest quiz community. There's a The Fault In Our Stars quiz for everyone.
内容提示: 星运里的错 (The Fault in Our Stars)2014本集电影生词统计如下:所有词汇标注共 521 个,其中,GRE 词汇共 141 个,托福词汇共 191 个,英语专八词汇共 48 个,英语专四共 242 个,六级词汇共 145 个,四级词汇共 260 个文末还附有单独的单词整理台词正文I believe we have a choice in this ...
妈妈:忧郁的症状之一就是对活动失去兴趣。 我:就让我看美国超模吧!这就是活动。 妈妈:看电视是消极运动。 我:妈妈,求你了。 妈妈:Hazel,你是个青少年。你不再是个孩子了。你需要去交朋友,走出这个屋子,过你自己的生活。 我:如果你想让我做一个青少年的话,就不要让我去帮扶小组了。给我一个假身份证,这样...
《TheFaultinOurStars星运里的错命运的错无比美妙的痛苦生命中..文档号:HLDOC20141117XXX 创建时间:11/17/2014 9:18:53 PM源自:http://docs.8899.f j.cn/(第1 / 53页)ゞ