Emergence is a product of the tension between decisions made by designer, system, and player(s). In essence, generative games produce novel worlds into ... J Oikkonen,J Hannula - 《Lumat》 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 加载更多研究点推荐 The fate of the fallen ...
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Fate of the FallenEllery AdamsElizabeth Lockard
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How do the challengers avoid the fate of the forgotten? 咨询公司e%26Co的恩格尔贝特·维默尔(Engelbert Wimmer)表示,特斯拉高达6000亿美元的估值就像“领头的火炬”。现在,投资者正在寻找下一个灯塔。2018年,蔚来在纽约上市。小鹏和理想也在去年跟上。这些公司的市值都与许多老牌汽车制造商相当,甚至更高。Arrival...
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