From the makers of The Fast and the Furious and 2 Fast 2 Furious comes the highest-octane installment of the hit movie franchise built for speed! When convicted street racer Sean Boswell (Lucas Black) tries to start a new life on the other side of the world, his obsession with racing se...
F9 is the ninth chapter in the Fast & Furious Saga, which has endured for two decades and has earned more than $5 billion around the world. Vin Diesel's Dom Toretto is leading a quiet life off the grid with Letty and his son, little Brian, but they know that danger always lurks ...
fast and furious movies fast 8 dvd+digital About this item Product details Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, and Michelle Rodriguez lead an all-star cast as the global blockbuster franchise delivers its most action-packed, high-octane adrenaline rush yet in The Fate of the Furious. Now that Dom (...
The first "Dhoom" was Bollywood's answer to "The Fast and the Furious," a flashy cops-and-gearhead-robbers story. In just one sequel, director Sanjay Gadhvi outpaced the Americans by three or four. Cool is the rule, leaving all other logic and the laws of physics at the door. This ...
◎片 名 The Fast and the Furious ◎年 代 2001 ◎产 地 美国/德国 ◎类 别 ...
The Fast and the Furious Thumb Wars Citizen Kane Carl Theodor Dreyer Collection: The Criterion Collection Moulin Rouge Shrek Bye for now. — Ed. Tuesday, 29 January 2002 In the Works: Let's get a look at some new disc announcements, courtesy of Image Entertainment and
The Fast and the Furious is basically a D&D campaign with a special effects budget. Marvel(Disney) won’t make that call, since they are clearly extremely risk-adverse at this point, but look for other franchises to do things beyond a Hero’s Journey trilogy where each individual movie is...
Blu-ray review of King of the Mountain (1981), directed by Noel Nosseck, and starring Harry Hamlin, Joseph Bottoms, Deborah Van Valkenburgh. Slide the disc in and buckle up, my friends. The first three The Fast & The Furious flicks have nothing on the t
But the movie Twohy is still best known for is “Pitch Black” which had him joining forces with “The Fast & The Furious” star Vin Diesel who played the dangerous criminal, Riddick. Its budget was only $23 million, but Twohy and Diesel created a movie that was intensely exciting and ...
The laughs aren’t exactly fast and furious, but they do come at a fairly steady pace. The problem-solving and complications thrown into the scripts for these six episodes is fun. “Sticky” is handicapped by a few shortcomings in the limited series format — a tendency to draw limited act...