The giant honey bee, Apis dorsata, wards off predators with the shimmer response. Each bee raises its abdomen in succession, causing the colony to dazzle its enemies. Inside:Learn how Asian giant honey bees shimmer to intimidate their enemies. Like “the wave” at a sports event, all the ...
Despite their differences, both honey and glucose offer fascinating qualities in the realm of cooking and baking. Let’s see what they are.
You've worked with so many multi-hyphenate talents and big personalities. Who has been among the most fascinating people that you've worked with? I certainly know Beyonce's got an incredible work ethic. The first time we ever worked together, we were...
Sibling incest as a romance fulfills its purpose as a taboo which is disgusting, fascinating, and romantic all at the same time. The Circle of Shame Shame is a culturally specific affect, and in this paper we have only considered literature written in English and research studies conducted in...
Coffee production is a fascinating process that many people take for granted. How does coffee get from the tree into my cup? What even is a coffee bean, to begin with? Most coffee drinkers never consider such questions, but as you get deeper into the world of coffee, it can help to kn...
Although Disney's animated account of the mythological superhero takes the liberty of calling him by his more common Roman name of Hercules, Musker & Clements and the story team were inspired by the always fascinating and often outrageous tales of the legendary Greek hero. With its loose and ...
"As an advocate of rare and indigenous grape varieties, I see their growing popularity not as a trend, but as an inevitable progression as consumers become more aware of the fascinating spectrum of wine grapes in the world," she says. "Uniqueness is something more and more consumers are afte...
Many animals would tell us fascinating stories about their behaviors and marvelous abilities if only we could understand their language. As a result… Cryptochrome: The Compass of Animals 01 January 2020 | Numan Erciyes | Issue 133 (Jan - Feb 2020) Animals such as butterflies, turtles, and ...
”But then so is ‘drip drip drop little April showers.’” It was fascinating to watch her relationship with art emerge. She had shown preference from the moment she was born. Her musical taste lay necessarily alongside all of ours—from Santana’s Abraxas, in her father’s collection, ...
At the time Hive Time launched, Australia was undergoing an unprecedentedlyextreme, but foreseeable bushfire season. Australia's long history and culture of volunteer emergency support is nuanced and fascinating[5], but the main thrust is that part of our national identity ...