Located in Broussard, JLB "The Farm" includes four 18-wheelers and five 26′ Flatbed 20 ton trucks as well as new and used oilfield production equipment
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Bedrich Beneš USDA ARS, Ames, IA, USA Jacqueline D. Campbell Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA Courtney L. Daigle, Seth C. Murray & Penny K. Riggs University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA Joao R. R. Dórea Iowa Corn...
driver: special equipment / driver (8 episodes, 2016) Steve Driggers ... driver (8 episodes, 2016) David Beard ... transportation coordinator (7 episodes, 2016) Tiana Lopez ... transportation office coordinator (5 episodes, 2016) Randy Kinyon ... transportation coordinator (3 episodes,...
(I remember visiting a Mexican restaurant in Lafayette, Indiana, back in that era where the menu helpfully explained how to pronounce the very foreign word “tah-co.”) Sorensen and his frieds go about their task in a very analog way. He calls them together about once a month to a ...
Lafayette Life is our top choice for whole life insurance policies. It sells seven different whole life products, allowing you to customize your coverage to suit your needs. There’s also no limit on how much whole life insurance coverage you can buy. Finally, Lafayette Life includes many ride...
Whidbey Island Farm Retreat / mwworks The Rise of Co-living Under the Influence of Urbanization in China Apsara Houses / Beast Estudio Creativo Missouri State University Ozark Education Center / BNIM Raad Villa / Babak Abnar Bona Villa Lahao Stone Houses / United Practice Architects Cube...
Their first task is to buy new equipment. From the first chapter, the twins and the reader know something is off as this lack of preparation doesn’t agree with their father’s usual modus operandi. They still go on and when they arrive at Quetico, the park is about to close and the...
vehicles.Afarmercanalsocontroltheequipmentthrougha smartphone. Theco-founderofecoRobotix,AurélienDemaurex,saysthefarmrobotcankillweedswith 20timeslessherbicidethantraditionalmethods.Thisisbecausethesystemusesexactlytheright chemicalamountintheexactplacerequiredtokilltheweeds.Currently,farmersspreadweed ...
All Special IssuesAdvance Technology in Olive Oil ProductionAdvanced Lighting Technologies in Controlled Environment Agriculture for Production, Breeding, and ResearchAdvanced Technologies to Enhance the Production and Application of MicroalgaeAdvances in Mechanization and Agricultural AutomationAgricultural Waste: Bi...
Department of Agronomy and Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, 550 Lafayette St, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. † This paper is an extended version of our paper published in the EGU General Assembly 20...