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The Far and the Nearby Thomas Wolfe On the outskirts of a little town upon a rise of land that swept back from the railway there was a tidy little cottage of white boards, trimmed vividly with green blinds. To one side of the house there was a garden neatly patterned with plots of gr...
The Far and the Near by Thomas Wolfe On the outskirts of a little town upon a rise of land that swept back from the railway there was a tidy little cottage of white boards, trimmed vividly with green blinds. To one side of the house there was a garden neatly patterned with plots of ...
TheFarandtheNear ByThomasWolfe Ontheoutskirtsofalittletownuponariseoflandthatsweptbackfrom therailtherewasatidylittlecottageofwhiteboards,trimmedvividlywith greenblinds.Toonesideofthehousetherewasagardenneatlypatterned withplotsofgrowingvegetables,andanarborforthegrapeswhichripened lateinAugust.Beforethehousethere...
The Near and the Far 5.5 minute read. Inspired and adapted from Wolfe’sThe Far and the Near On the edge of New York City, somewhere in the Throggs Neck neighborhood of the Bronx, there was a decrepit house with broken shutters, peeling paint, and a sunken porch. In front of the ...
The Far and Near的剧情简介 ··· Exploring both the abstractions of astrophotography and the documentary possibilities of classical Korean landscape painting, The Far and Near is a cosmic voyage into seemingly empty space, in which Kim collages and distorts inkjet prints of images from NASA’s...