Parenting stress theory emphasizes that the birth of second child is a stressful life event for families. Raising a child requires a lot of scarce resources in the family, such as human resources, time and money. As the number of children increases, the economical and time cost of child...
Family function emphasizes the interactions among all family members, and how those interactions influence the relationship and functioning of the family as a whole [21]. Some elements, such as connectedness, mutuality, involvement, role assignment, and communication, made up the core of family funct...
company co company control company education and company emphasizes qu company equity oil company finance company gossip company insolvency company of the ring company of unlimited company profile topst company reporting cur company req history company size perfect company stockholder e company uphold out...
That is, research on listed family firm stakeholder orientations and relations is still rather limited and has mainly focused on the perspective of certain stakeholder groups. Next, we will introduce our methodological approach and continue with our analysis of the family-related factors that may ...
emphasizes comprehensive approaches, pursues sustainable security through cooperative efforts, and makes a valuable contribution to addressing international security challenges. the global civilization initiative calls on all countries to respect the div...
examine the linkage between workers’ family well-being and their voice behavior at work. Finally, CMFS emphasizes that the impact of a stressor depends not only on the stressor itself but also on how each member interprets the stressor. We argue that one important factor is the workers’ ...
In short, the direct effect of the family on the child’s occupational success increases across subsequent career points (H1a). 2.2.2. Indirect effect in the resource approach With respect to indirect effects, resource theories take more specific form in the human capital theory, which argues ...
Therefore, the “family,” based on property, pursues economic goals, while the “clan,” based on blood ties, emphasizes noneconomic goals. The real Chinese family is a mixture of “family” and “clan,” which is consequently dual. The duality of the family is introduced into business ...
Xi emphasizes that the ultimate goal of reform is for the people's well-being. He has pledged to make people's priorities his own and act on their wishes. This is different from the "capital first" stance. He recognized that after more than 30 years of reform and opening-up, the princ...
Following on from this, Pamela Ronald emphasizes the role that plant genetics has in achieving these goals. Pamela C. Ronald Comment29 Aug 2023 Nature Reviews Genetics Tackle ever-growing consumption to safeguard sustainability gains The world is consuming more efficiently, but still using more ...