A story of a family across four generations, centered on the girl who becomes the woman (Jennifer Lawrence) who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right. Facing betrayal, treachery, the loss of innocence and the scars of love, Joy becomes a true bo...
One of the most popular films of its era, this action epic stars Russell Crowe as the legendary Maximus, a warrior whose family is murdered by the vicious Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix). Forced into slavery, Maximus has to rise the gladiator arenas to get his vengeance. The film made a fortune...
The fear was real, and it resulted in a movie like Sex Tape, where Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel play a couple whose amateur porn is accidentally shared with their friends and family, and this news completely freaks them out. I know, adorable, right? Maybe we live in a more jaded age,...
12/21/2024 by Anthony D'Alessandro Deadline Film + TV James Gray (I) Mubi’s January 2025 Lineup Includes Close Your Eyes, Pepe, Luca Guadagnino, Charli Xcx & More 12/19/2024 by Jordan Raup The Film Stage Maura Delpero’s Secret to Casting the Women of ‘Vermiglio’: Find Actresses...
Stonedest Line: "You mean we're smokin' dog shit, man?" Cheech and Chong's classic first movie about a couple of tokers and their misadventures with cops and dog turds is like a big bowl of weed that’s stem-free and bottomless. If you think about it,Up In Smokeis the stoner come...
Forget the reboot, the original movie is guaranteed fun for the whole family. When two youngsters find a magical board game, they release a world full of excitement (including Alan Parrish, who’s been trapped inside the game for decades) and relentless dangers that can only be stopped by ...
While it never quite reaches the giddy heights of Clueless or 10 Things I Hate About You, this Emma Stone vehicle comes close – and continues the classic-literature-as-teen-movie trend. Will Gluck's film takes some inspiration from Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter – Stone's Olive ...
The result is a sweet "lone wolf and cub" movie full of dino-sized thrills, kills, and a very threatening asteroid. — B.E. How to watch: 65 is now streaming on Netflix. 10. They Cloned Tyrone Credit: Netflix With this 2023 release, co-writer/director Juel Taylor pulls plenty of...
During a hiatus between the third and fourth seasons of Monty Python’s Family Circus, the gang of mega-talented comedians decided to make movie history. Inspired by the King Arthur legend, Holy Grail is a timeless comedy, the rare kind of film that will still be making people laugh hundred...
The movies start between 7-8 PM and are shown in the field across from the old airplane. The movies are free of charge and the Texarkana Parks Department wants to promote a very family-friendly atmosphere so no alcohol or smoking is allowed. Here are the movie trailers for the upcoming mo...