The violin is a member of the strings instrument family.What Instruments are Included in the Woodwind Family? Which Instruments Belong to the Brass Family? What Instruments Compose the Percussion Family? How are Musical Instruments Grouped into Families? Why are the Instrument Families Import...
This paper reports evidence on the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Chinese Family Assessment Instrument (C-FAI), an instrument developed to assess family functioning in Chinese populations. A convenience sample of 1,462 adolescents from junior secondary schools completed the C-FAI ...
Stringed instrument - The violin family: The violin family comprises the violin, the viola, the cello (violoncello), and the double bass; it forms the backbone of the modern symphony orchestra. In addition, the violin and the viola are widely used in the
The Family Accommodation Scale (FAS) is a clinician-administered semistructured instrument that can be used to assess the nature and frequency of FA in relatives of OCD patients based on its excellent reliability and validity [8]. In 1999, to improve the quality of the FAS, the Family ...
pyrogallolred pyroglyphidae pyrohemia pyrola chlorantha pyrola family pyrolizidine derivati pyrolysis gas chromat pyrolyzer pyrometamorphic rock pyromucylacetic acid pyrophillite pyropho horous acid pyrosispyrosis pyrosthenia vomiting pyrotechnic igniter pyrotechnic-flarepara pyrotechnics special pyrotechnis...
Guqin, It is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family with a history of more than 3000 years. 在中国古代,“琴、棋、书、画”历来被视为文人雅士修身养性的必由之径。古琴因其清、和、淡、雅的音乐品格寄寓了文人风凌傲骨、超凡脱俗的处世心态,而在音乐、棋术、书法、绘...
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P. (1984). Evolution strategies: A family of non-linear optimization techniques based on imitating some principles of organic evolution. Annals of Operations Research, 1(2), 165-167. LevyES: Zhang, S., & Salari, E. (2005). Competitive learning vector quantization with evolution strategies ...
Development and testing of the Survey of Family Environment (SFE): a novel instrument to measure family functioning and needs for family support. Development and testing of the Survey of Family Environment (SFE): a novel instrument to measure family functioning and needs for family support . J....
Princess Tina. The love that developed between the two was about more than just finding out who indentured his family. And the man who controlled the indent, another aristocrat named Marty, the Duke of Effingchester, having learned Tom paid off the debt—which was a curse on him as told ...