The value of family interventions in early intervention is evidenced across a very wide range of disorders and across the lifespan. There can be a problem defining what family intervention means as there are many different delivery modalities. Common features and principles include the family being ...
Early childhood intervention programs: What about the family? S. (2000). Early childhood intervention programs: what about the family? In: Shonkoff JP, Meisels SJ, eds. Handbook of early childhood intervention. ... J Brooks-Gunn,LJ Berlin,AS Fuligni - 《Handbook of Early Childhood Interventi...
Based on the evidence, presented in Section 2 of this book, that neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcomes following congenital heart disease (CHD) are significantly determined by parental and family factors, this chapter introduces a family-focused early intervention program, the first in its ...
(2003) Early intensive family intervention and evidence of effectiveness: lessons from the South West Autism Programme, Early Child Development and Care, 173(4), 383-398.Webster, A., Feiler, A., & Webster, V. (2003). Early intensive family intervention and evidence of effec- tiveness: ...
A) share family responsibilities B) appreciate the value of work C) cultivate the spirit of independence D) manage domestic affairs themselves 53. What does Ron Lieber think should be the goal of giving children allowances? A) To help to strengthen family ties. B) To teach them how to man...
The early signs of obesity are observable in early childhood. Although the most promising prevention approaches are family-centered, few relevant early prevention programs exist. This study evaluated the effects of an evidence-based, home-visiting intervention, the Family Check-Up (FCU), on the tra...
Caring for a child on the autism spectrum requires six to eight family members on average in China, the doctor said. A key to early intervention is therapy centers. Because children on the spectrum often struggle to keep up with their classmates, they benefit from attending centers where their...
In a sample of 82 children with developmental disabilities, we examined characteristics of the child at age 3 (i.e., the conclusion of early intervention services) as well as family income and emotional climate as predictors of children's reported feelings of loneliness at school during middle ...
Early childhood interventionprogram evaluationstructural equation modelingeffects decompositionStructural equation modeling was used to evaluate the effects of family, child, and both early childhood intervention process and structural variables on parent and family well-being in a sample of 250 parents ...
12.As the children become independent the family, the emphasis family financial security will shift from protection for the retirement years. 13. the Times Co. to purchase another major media company, there is no doubt that it dramatically transform a enterprise that still gets 90% of revenues ...