This sensitive and heartfelt Swedish drama explores the passionate and complicated love affair between two women, who must navigate family expectations and personal growth. The film's honest performances and intimate storytelling create a relatable and emotionally resonant experience. A touching and authen...
This was quite a compelling drama of her life and career during those times I just mentioned. Especially when it explores some of their family life. My mom enjoyed this as well. So on that point, we heartily recommend On the Basis of Sex. Helpful•8 2 tavm Dec 19, 2019 Permalink...
Also ranks #6 on The 50+ Best PG-13 Family Drama Movies 86 Laggies Keira Knightley, Chloë Grace Moretz, Sam Rockwell 24 votes When 28-year-old Megan attends her 10-year high-school reunion, she realizes that very little in her life has changed. An unexpected marriage proposal from her...
We’ve gathered the family around the table to celebrate F’sgiving, a thing we just made up in which we care enough to watch a film featuring F. Murray Abraham. In this case it’s “Last Action Hero,” a movie that Wikipedia claims is a cult classic. We don’t know about that,...
Genre: Family dramaRotten Tomatoes score: 92%Stars: Jeff Daniels, Laura Linney, Jesse Eisenberg, Owen KlineWatch now 'All Quiet on the Western Front' (2022) (Image credit: Netflix) Netflix's 2022 version of All Quiet on The Western Front does the improbable: it actually earns a space al...
One of the earliest sound films in Chinese cinema and a classic of the country, ‘Street Angel’ is a blend of romantic drama, slapstick comedy, and leftwing Chinese messaging. Painting a vibrant picture of life in the lower-class of Shanghai, the film follows the love story between a tr...
The Nestis a profoundly unsettling family drama that’s tense and thoughtful. It’s a controlled drama with a highly precise story that moves slowly, but surely, leading to an emotionally cathartic ending that perfectly captures the difficulties of family life with remarkable and non-judgemental ...
Chinese title: 姜子牙 | Director: Teng Cheng, Wei Li | Genre: Animation, Drama, Family The Chinese animated flickNe Zhaearned itself a spot on our list of thebest Chinese movies of 2019for how it brought Chinese mythology to life with world-class animation.Jiang Ziyais Beijing Enlight Pictur...
Why You Should Watch:While I prefer the classic show, the original series is not technically a period drama. That said, this remake about a vampire and the quirky family he lives with during the 1970s is still imperfect fun with a distinct Tim Burton charm and a fabulous cast. ...
The Number You Have Dialed Drama coreano Hotel Califórnia Drama coreano Round 6 parte 2 Drama coreano Zhu Yue Drama chinês Pergunte às Estrelas Drama coreano Futtara Doshaburi Drama japonês O Florescer de uma Peônia Drama chinês I'll Turn Back This Time Drama chinês Miseinen:...