并且看到的也就第一把原装版;而第二把被考夫曼买下,放在考夫曼的家的别墅里,这栋别墅在匹兹堡郊外,就是著名美国建筑师佛兰克.莱特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计的“流水别墅”( the Fallingwater,也叫做“考夫曼住宅”,the Kaufmann House),第三把却到了美国之后就没有人知道下落了。
Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright 's world-famous "house on the waterfall," is a masterful integration of building and site. Designed in 1935, it is recognized as an icon of modernism, and was voted the most architecturally significant building of the 20th century by the American Institute of ...
并且看到的也就第一把原装版;而第二把被考夫曼买下,放在考夫曼的家的别墅里,这栋别墅在匹兹堡郊外,就是著名美国建筑师佛兰克.莱特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计的“流水别墅”( the Fallingwater,也叫做“考夫曼住宅”,the Kaufmann House),第三把却到了美国之后就没有人知道下落了。
on one corner of the island, including a 1,200-square-foot cottage and a 5,000-square-foot main residence. Designed by renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the main house is considered one of the most spectacular designs of his career and resembles the famous Fallingwater house. ...
并且⼀直展出,我第⼀次看到的这把椅⼦就是在那⾥,并且看到的也就第⼀把原装版;⽽第⼆把被考夫曼买下,放在考夫曼的家的别墅⾥,这栋别墅在匹兹堡郊外,就是著名美国建筑师佛兰克.莱特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计的“流⽔别墅”( the Fallingwater,也叫做“考夫曼住宅”,the Kaufmann House),...
赖特师从摩天大楼之父、芝加哥学派(建筑)代表人路易斯·沙利文(Louis Sullivan,1856.9.3-1924.4.14)后自立门户成为著名建筑学派“田园学派”(Prairie School)的代表人物,代表作包括建立于宾夕法尼亚州的流水别墅(Fallingwater House)和世界顶级学府芝加哥大学内的罗比住宅(Robie House)[1] 。
我第一次看到的这把椅子就是在那里,并且看到的也就第一把原装版;而第二把被考夫曼买下,放在考夫曼的家的别墅里,这栋别墅在匹兹堡郊外,就是著名美国建筑师佛兰克.莱特(Frank Lloyd Wright)设计的“流水别墅”(the Fallingwater,也叫做“考夫曼住宅”,the Kaufmann House),第三把却到了美国之后就没有人知道下落了...
Fallingwater,Bear Run, Pa., house designed by Frank LloydWright. Fallingwater (1936–39) is an architecturaltour de forceof Wright's organic philosophy, whereby a building should be completely integrated with its environment. Seen from below, the house is boldly cantilevered over a waterfall, with...
One of famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright's most well-known buildings, Fallingwater was built in the 1930s as the vacation home of department store magnate Edgar J. Kaufmann. The house is cantilevered over a waterfall in a beautiful woodland setting, and showcases Wright's unique architectural ...