doi:10.1080/03612759.2004.10528573CharlesUniversityofW.UniversityofSorensenUniversityofInformaworldHistory Reviews of New Books
From Darwins day to the present, members of some religious faiths have perceived the scientific theory of evolution to be in direct and objectionable conflict with religious doctrine regarding the creation of the world. 47、 32Christian Fundamentalists (【宗】原教旨主义者(相信圣经所记载的传统的...
Themostcontentiousdebatesoverevolutionhaveinvolvedreligion.FromDarwin’sdaytothepresent,membersofsomereligiousfaithshaveperceivedthescientifictheoryofevolutiontobeindirectandobjectionableconflictwithreligiousdoctrineregardingthecreationoftheworld.ChristianFundamentalists(【宗】原教旨主义(相信 《圣经》所记载的传统的基督教...
Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, “The Women’s Movement Challenges the Church,” Journal of Psychology and Theology 2 (Fall 1974): 309; Mollenkott , in Transforming the Faiths of Our Fathers, 55–71; Letha Scanzoni, “Evangelical Women and ‘Biblical Feminism’,” The Christian Century, December ...
The Faiths of the Founding Fathers [Hardcover] It is not uncommon to hear Christians argue that America was founded as a Christian nation. But how true is this claim? In this compact book, David L. Holmes offers a clear, concise and illuminating look at the spiritual beliefs of our f.....
1.the heretical belief that the Trinity consists of three distinct gods. 2.any polytheistic religion having three gods. —tritheist,n. —tritheistic, tritheistical,adj. See also:Christianity 1. a belief in three gods. 2. a Christian heresy holding that the Trinity consists of three distinc...
Does the Quran support that Heaven has Believers from a variety of Faiths and Creeds? Prophet Muhammad [1]: Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was thoroughly prophesied in the previous Scriptures as GOD Almighty's Arabian Prophet to come. He will come from Arabia and with the New Promis...
“Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way, all our present difficulty[8].” –Abraham Lincoln Imagine if: The intelligence of best-practices was implemented against crime, dr...
O LORD, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you. 2 Chronicles 20:6
Christians, who make up over 30% of the state’s population, are especially concerned, with Hindus and adherents of indigenous faiths following closely behind in numbers. The law, while ostensibly neutral, is widely seen as targeting specific religious communities, particularly Christians and Muslims...