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Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Waseda-Universitt, Tokio, Nr. 7, 1930doi:10.1002/lipi.19310380707H. GnammJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdChemische Umschau auf dem Gebiet der Fette, Oele, Wachse und Harze
1生物、医学与健康学部 Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 生物科学学院 医学科学学院 健康科学学院 2科学与工程学部 Faculty of Science and Engineering 【工程学院】 化学工程与分析科学系 计算机科学系 电子与电气工程系 机械、...
The Faculty of Engineering is a reputedcentre for engineering studies and research in Australia. It offers over60 years of sustained excellence in cutting-edge education, incorporating thelatest developments in each field: Ou...
These programmes are jointly offered by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine . 此等课程由工程学院与医学院合办。 www.ecd123.com 3. The Faculty of Engineering and Surveying 工程与测量学院 www.baike.com 4. The Faculty of Engineering and Science 工程与科学学院 baike.soso.com...
谢菲尔德大学共有六大学院:工程学院(Faculty of Engineering)、自然科学学院(Faculty of Science)、社会科学学院(Faculty of Social Sciences)、医学院(Faculty of Medicine,Dentistry and Health)、艺术与人文学院(Faculty of Arts and Humanities)和位于希腊塞萨洛尼基的国际性城市学院(International Faculty - City College...
根据第一段中“Scientists from the Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems at the University of Tsukuba designed a text message mediation robot that can help users control their anger when receiving upsetting news.(筑波大学工程、信息与系统学院的科学家们设计了一款短信调解机器人,可以帮助用户在...
一、艺术与科学学院(Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) 二、工程学院(Faculty of Engineering) 三、医学院(Faculty of Medicine and Health) 四、理学院(Faculty of Science) 五、建筑、设计与规划学院(The University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning) ...
- 工程硕士项目 Master in Design Engineering GSD 教师:179 GSD 在读学生:905 TOP 6 新加坡国立大学(NUS)新加坡 National University of Singapore 设计与工程学院-建筑系 College of Design and Engineering - Department of Architecture 本科: - 建筑艺术学士 Bachelor of Arts In Architecture ...
- 建筑、设计及规划系(Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning)- 文科及社会科学系 (Faculty of Arts and Social Science)- 商学院 (Business School)- 牙医系 (Faculty of Dentistry)- 教育及社工系 (Faculty of Education and Social Work)- 工程及信息技术系 (Faculty of Engineering and Information ...