Spanish / Español Select a language: de hechoen efecto fact (fӕkt)noun 1.something known or believed to be true.It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health.hecho 2.reality.fact or fiction.realidad the facts of life information about sex and how babies are born (in sex educat...
a short statement of facts (especiallyin a lawsuit, of a client's case).a lawyer's brief.informe,expediente verb to give detailed instructions to (especiallya barrister, group of soldiersetc).The astronauts were briefed before the space mission.dar instrucciones a;constituir ...
The Guaymí are an indigenous group living primarily within the Ngöbe-Buglé region of western Panama. Spanish conquistadors found 3 Guaymí tribes—the Nata, Parita, and Urracá—after settling Panama in the 16th century. Urracá, leader of the tribe that took his name, is the most well...
I have already pointed out that, in our case, all our slaves are occupied in guarding our women, and do nothing else; from the state’s point of view they live in perpetual lethargy, so that the cultivation of the arts and sciences, and of the land, falls upon just a few free men ...
common sensetruthresponsibilitySections 1 and 2 provide some facts. Section 3 has 12 questions. A crisis is the cumulative result of specific decisions taken by persons.doi:10.2139/ssrn.1780934Pablo FernandezSocial Science Electronic Publishing
You can go to the original post tolearn more important facts about the Spanish language. Untranslatable Words As mentioned in the infographic, there are some specific words and phrases that can’t be translated, because they’re unique to this language, therefore, they don’t have an equivalent...
Recommended statistics Global overview Overview of the Spanish fashion industry International Trade Key facts about the Inditex Group Inditex brands in Spain Main competitors of Inditex in Spain Consumer behavior Fashion e-commerce in SpainKey insights Revenue of the apparel market in Spain Most valua...
Flamenco Dance is all you think it can be. Dramatic, sad, passionate, heart-wrenching, and sensual.The history, even though most of it was undocumented, is one of the layers that make this dance and music so essential for the Spanish culture.Here are some flamenco facts. ...
Facts about Spain for kids: Learn all about Spain, with facts about Spanish history, politics, people, nature, culture and geography, including a map of Spain.
Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza | Biography, Facts & Contributions Latin American Colonization Lesson Plan Repartimiento System History, Decline & Significance Fray Damian Massanet | Biography & Impact New Spain Lesson Plan What is the Chichimeca War? Spanish Explorers Lesson Plan Spanish Colonies in Americ...