《Over The Alps 》是个 CYOA游戏。大家可能听说过《80天》,那是同个作者的著作。这次的故事以玩家在二战时期扮演间谍开始。故事性还是不错,除了多种选择以外还有一点棋盘游戏的元素。为了不被警方逮捕,玩家必须谨慎的选择以免留下线索,有时甚至还可以狡猾的转移视线(虽然非常难,第一次玩时我老是和警方纠缠 >_<...
• 14 energCyoanusduimtsprtieolantdedatato, gsaittheserwedhferroemon29lyotuhteofg3re0ye-ncelirngkyearu-gdriitns dreinlagtepdhtaosteheisccoamr-plete riedgorueyt;-cement production cycle (one site was dismissed because of non-continuous produc- • 30 etnioerng),ywaeurdeitssurbejelactteedd...
In the case of the SI catalyst on which the detected C quantity was greatest, an oxidation treatment at 450 ◦C under pure O2 was carried out in the pretreatment chamber of the XPS facility before the reduction at 450 ◦C, in order to best eliminate these carbon species (results ...