As the face of hunger has changed, so has its address. The town of Spring, Texas, is where ranchland meets Houston’s sprawl, a suburb of curving streets and shade trees and privacy fences. The suburbs are the home of the American dream, but they are also a place where poverty is on...
作者:Tony Hall 出版社:Thomas Nelson Inc 出版年:2007-2 页数:224 定价:$ 16.94 装帧:Pap ISBN:9780849918698 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Changing the Face of Hunger的书评 ···(全部 0 条)...
The Face of Hunger : A study of news reporting on the famine stricken Horn of Africa 2011Sol Agin
According to the largest U.S. hunger nonprofit, more than 50 percent of people served by food banks have jobs. The Feeding America with help by the Ad Council just launched a new campaign to highlight the new face of the hungry. U.S. Department of Agriculture data revealed the number of...
269-The Hunger Games-Suzanne Collins-Novel-2008Barack2020/09/03《The Hunger Games》,于2008年首版于美国。小说类书籍。它讲述了在一个蛮荒的野外环境中,一群人必须自相残杀,只有一个人能存活下来的故事。Suzanne Collins,于1962年出生于美国康涅狄格州哈特福德。她曾于印第安纳大学获得本科学位,于纽约大学获得艺...
Barker stood for a moment with his face set grimly and his strong blackeyebrows29drawn30low in intense thought. Then he looked up with a smile. “Well, I guess you gentlemen are only doing your clear duty after all, and I have no right to stand in the way of it. I'd only ask yo...
The punishment of hunger, and that he is against something that he does not comprehend, is everything. Rest now, old man, and let him work until your next duty comes. He rested for what he believed to be two hours. The moon did not rise now until late and he had no way of ...
When the boy had satisfied his hunger, he felt a little ashamed because he had been able to eat a raw thing. "It's evident that I'm not a human being any longer, but a real elf," thought he. While the boy ate, the goosey-gander stood silently beside him. but when he had swa...
At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved. Elli used pepper spray again to buy us enough time. But this time the bear became more alert.He regarded us with the merciless necessity of hunger, so we throw all the food we ...
So he was determined to spend as many nights as necessary in the fields,to save his lambs from dying of cold or hunger. The hut was warm and quite comfortable inside. There was a stove,and some bread and beer on a shelf. On each side of the hut was a round hole like a wi...