在《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)这部经典作品中,一位备受瞩目的角色是Jack Harkness,他的英文名字是face of the Boe。这个别称源于他出生于51世纪的背景,以及他曾经的身份——一名时间特工。然而,由于组织窃取了他两年的记忆,他选择结束了这个职业生涯。Jack以其英俊的面容而闻名,这个名字来源于他来自...
在时间回流后的12集中,Jack向Doctor和玛莎坦诚自己的身份,他们是镇上人熟知的Face of Boe。当得知Jack就是Boe之脸时,Doctor震惊不已。在第四季的高潮中,Jack、Rose、米奇等人共同对抗Dalek,最终获胜。然而,结局中Jack继续守护地球,领导Torchwood分部,而Donna失去了记忆,结婚了。半人类半博士的Docto...
我火星了,原来Jac..face of the boe,中文译为Boe之脸,是《神秘博士》(《Doctor Who》中重要角色Jack Harkness,也是其衍生剧《火炬木》(《Torch Wood》)的主角,出生在51世
The End of the World was the second episode of series 1 of Doctor Who. It was the first instance of time travel into the viewers' relative future in the BBC Wales era of Doctor Who. The story also introduced recurring characters Lady Cassandra and the Face of Boe, and featured the ...
The Doctor would go onto encounter Martha Jones, initially giving a brief round trip, where they encountered Shakespeare, had his final meeting with the Face of Boe, and reencountered the Cult of Skaro, briefly trying and failing to redeem the Daleks. Afterwards he and Martha agreed to make ...
The Face of Boe floats in his tank (can he really be Cap'n Jack Harkness?); K9 wags his tail and rotates his ears; there are costumes worn by Rose Tyler and Martha Jones.Each area boasts giant video screens replaying action scenes to match the exhibits, and there are interactive touch...
但是由于宇宙和时空线本身也处于不断的衰变之中,这个fixed point也在及其缓慢的在向未来衰变,以致最后变成Face of Boe。这些都米问题,问题是S3中Captain Jack变态的回复变现,既然是时空的固定点,那么身体器官皮肤毛发都被固定在了Rose复活他的那一刻,即Jack被Dalek杀死的前一刻,那么即使被杀死,哪怕粉身碎骨形神俱...
"Yana" is an intentional acronym of "You Are Not Alone", the final words of the Face of Boe, which led the Doctor to discover that Professor Yana was a Time Lord. "Mister Saxon", as the character was mysteriously referred to throughout series 3, is an anagram of "Master No. Six" ...
SANDWICHJOHNFILMS started in 2009. I wanted to make a place where people like myself could come and get up to date Movie, Television and pop culture news and information. The site started as a passion of mine and grew into what it is today. Our goal here
Boeshane Peninsula. 博肖恩半岛 杰克的故乡 Boe之脸来源于此 或许有一天我会带你去的 Maybe one day Ill take you there. -那里的人都像你一样吗 -不 -Are they all like you there? -No. 我独一无二 Im pretty special. 博士不在的时候 Had a rough time, then 过得很艰难吧 Without the Doctor...