The meaning of ROLL is a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record. How to use roll in a sentence.
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rolls of fat : such as a : a quantity (as of fabric or paper) rolled up to form a single package b : a hairstyle in which some or all of the hair is rolled or curled up or under c : any of various food preparations rolled up for cooking or serving cabbage rolls a ...
4. solve, work out, resolve, figure out, decode, decipher, puzzle out I could have done the crossword. 5. get on, manage, fare, proceed, make out, prosper, get along She did well at school. 6. work as, be employed at, earn a living at, have as an occupation, have as a prof...
Since Caxton refused to print regional variations in English, he began the standardization of the English language and its spelling. Crossword Puzzle The crossword puzzle, a word game, was invented by Arthur Wynne in 1913. Arthur Wynne was a journalist born in Liverpool, England. Wynne wrote ...
The fabric of the pocket was very foreign too, nothing like I've ever seen. It seemed rather ancient and strange altogether, but nonetheless, it was still just a key. I breathed heavily. On one hand, I wanted to put it back inside the Buddha's pocket, but on the other hand, I ...
Let’s dive into the exciting journey of fashion, explore its types, discover influential figures, and understand its impact. Complete List of Included Worksheets Below is a list of all the worksheets included in this document. Fashion Facts My Fashion Choices Fashion Vocabulary Crossword Fashion ...
4. solve, work out, resolve, figure out, decode, decipher, puzzle out I could have done the crossword. 5. get on, manage, fare, proceed, make out, prosper, get along She did well at school. 6. work as, be employed at, earn a living at, have as an occupation, have as a prof...
A new apron. //Our “making do” project of the week: my daughter is a wonderful baker so I wanted to get her a full apron. (She currently has a half version.) After looking online, I ultimately decided to let her choose something in my fabric bin and we’d make one ourselves!
Yes, my childhood took place way before any of these wonderfully frightening inventions took over our lives. . So, what did we, the Reed Family, do to entertain ourselves? We had books and board games and jigsaw puzzles and anthills and crossword puzzles and coloring books and model-airplan...