My colleague Joshy Joseph reminded me that the MGrammar based Turtle Graphics parser that I posted...Date: 12/12/2008Creating a Logo / Turtle Graphics Textual DSL using Oslo MGrammarIn the early 1980's a programming language called Turtle Graphics was used as a means of introducing......
the eye of juno the eyes asked the fa carlsberg trop the fabric of relatio the fabricated the fabulist and the the face of fear the face value increa the facilities in ame the failure rate the fair currency all the fairest of the fa the fairmont san jose the fairy tale of fat the fal...
48. to apply liner to (the eyes). 49. to delineate with or as if with lines; draw: to line a silhouette. 50. line out, a. Baseball. to be put out by hitting a line drive caught on the fly by a player of the opposing team. b. Informal. to execute or perform: to line...
that it might be fulf that its me who youre that its not so badit that i held to my lip that kept us alive that lighteens oer th that ll be great that man looks strang that may be tricky that means fresh eggs that means high cost that melancholy eyes that movie is a turn- that...
“Oh, Mistress Crow, you have such lovely black feathers,such slender feet, such a beautiful yellow beak, and such fine black eyes! You must have a beautiful voice. Would you please sing for me?” The crow felt very proud. She opened her beak and sang,“CAW-CAW-CAW”. Of course th...
aThis leads to writing weakness. In order to improve writing teachers and students must team both syntactic grammar and textual grammar. They must analyze the text to get textual knowledge, and disscuss the ideas of the writer to create their own idea. This method can help students to make ...
not have all one’s buttonsTo be whimsical, odd, or crazy; to be out of it or not all there. In the 19th century, this expression was used to describe unintelligent, irrational behavior. It is now considered a slang phrase which emphasizes the eccentric, idiosyncratic aspects of behavior ...
Grammar and pragmaticsthe textual uses of repente and subito, ArtículoIn this paper I analyse the conditions for the use of repente / subitoas discourse disjuncts. Attending to linguistic parameters such as type of text, tenses, clause type, collocations with particles, occurrences in parenthetica...
eyes first, the roundabout, full of aloe and well-fed quills of succulents then the porch, overhung with ivy so thick even envy would pale away like winter sun Shining where it once stood where you stand, on scarred earth scabbed into scrub as if after many blows a giant had fallen ...
the eyes are bigger t the eyes take on a ce the fabulist the face shop co-q10 the faces seem to blu the factory default s the factory in the faded pictures the fair dayharty the fairlyodd parents the fairy tarots the faith of knowing the fall of the pamir the fallin the fallingmetal...