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再往下看,发现不对劲,后面引用的网页里,LOGO都是The Expose啊~每日邮报的英文名叫Daily Mail嘛,...
2.(Psychology)psychiatrya compulsive desire to expose one's genital organs publicly ˌexhiˈbitionistn,adj ˌexhiˌbitionˈisticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011...
By focusing on clubs that are marketed to heterosexuals, the aim is to expose them to critical scrutiny, make them visible and understand the dynamics of these clubs as an emerging part of a leisure sex economy. Part of their (in)visibility means that it is unclear when and where sex ...
The sexually explicit material I am viewing is for my own personal use and I will not expose minors to the material. I believe that sexual acts between consenting adults is neither offensive nor obscene and, entering this site, I hereby express my right to do so. The viewing, reading and...
Initially,this event was created due to a decrease in the comic’s audience; therefore, the comics festival’s aimed toreach non-comic readers and families to expose them to a wide variety of comic’s materialand so building a readers community for the future. ...
We intentionally chose not to expose participants to pornographic material for several reasons. First, we did not want to tell participants before the study that it might contain pornographic material as this could create selection effects and/or demand effects. Second, if we did not tell participa...
She only watched her mother struggle to raise her on her own, and even then it’s established that Lorelai went to great pains not to expose Rory to her struggles. […] “To be fair, Rory is largely a product of her upbringing. Until the events of Gilmore Girls as we know it — ...
Gamers need privacy protection, too. While using a service that can increase your latency and generally interfere with your connectivity may not appeal to you, you might want to play a game that isn't available in your area, or you might not want to expose your real IP address to other ...
” In my view, Trump’s actions to expose the partisan corruption of the administrative state are in response to an existential threat is as grave, if less bloody, than the Civil War. The permanent bureaucracy that rules us has for decades been erecting and fortifying a nearly impenetrable ...