We limit ourselves for the present to conditions of thermal equilibrium, that is, to a subclass of all the phenomena of nature. The laws of mechanics which apply just to thermal equilibrium are called statistical mechanics, and in this section we want to become acquainted with some of the cen...
In all types of data disclosures (retailer-requested, consumer-initiated, or passive), consumers form expectations regarding the nature of the data collected and evaluate these expectations based on how it is used by the company. Retailer-requested data disclosure captures information disclosed by the...
REFERRING to Prof. H. C. Plummer's letter on “An Approximation to the Probability Integral,” published in NATURE of October 25, the following alternative way of representing the normal error function by simple approximation may be of interest. The orig
Foundational principle 1: NCS are nature-based Principle 1.1: NCS result from the human stewardship of ecosystems NCS involve active management decisions that affect human stewardship of ecosystems and result in net climate mitigation. An ecosystem is broadly defined to include all the living organisms...
nature nature communications articles article Article Open access Published: 08 January 2024 Functional neuronal circuits emerge in the absence of developmental activity Dániel L. Barabási, Gregor F. P. Schuhknecht & Florian Engert Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 364 (2024) Cite...
Thus, the choice of the number of exponential decay terms is arbitrary if justified only by the goodness of fit. In this work the stretched-exponential function (StrEF) is proposed as an alternative model to fit the fluorescence decay of complex samples, in particular, biological tissue, ...
3, while they are calculated in Fig. 4a, where the required window size Tw at the 95% confidence level is plotted as a function of λ for the variance (red curve) and autocorrelation (yellow curve). These are plotted together with the mean waiting time for n-tipping, tnoise, (blue ...
Assays were carried out as indicated in the Materials and Methods section. Full size image Energetic and redox state The energetic and redox states of the wild type and Δpta strains were determined during the early exponential phase of growth and at the onset of the stationary phase. The ...
We observe quadrature-dependent chiral amplification, exponential scaling of the gain with system size and strong sensitivity to boundary conditions. All these are linked to the unique non-Hermitian topological nature of the bosonic Kitaev chain. We probe the topological phase transition and uncover a...
First, let us introduce the concept of a “Paradigm for the Dark Matter Phenomenon”, i.e., a refined set of properties that the actual DM scenario must possess and that, in turn, reveals the nature itself of the dark particle. After the first “detections” of DM in the Universe, a...