经验曲线效应(The experience curve effect) 经验曲线效应的内容比只研究劳动时间的学习曲线效应更广泛。 经验曲线效应指的是一项任务越是经常执行,做它的代价越小。任务可以 是任何的产品或服务。数量每翻一番,代价值(包括管理、营销、分销、制造 费用等)下降一个常量百分比。这个更广泛的效应是六十年代末由布鲁斯?
学习曲线( learning curves) 与经验曲线( The experience curve) 学习不是等比例前进的, 而是一条曲线, 由慢到快, 由不熟练到熟练, 由陌生到熟知, 由伤脑筋到下意识, 由起初的强制到后来的不用动脑筋的习惯养成。这也是学习过程的二八法则。 简而言之, 学习是一个加速过程, 而不是一个匀速运动。 开始可能...
learning curve n. 1.A graph that depicts rate of learning, especially a graph of progress in the mastery of a skill against the time required for such mastery. 2.The rate at which something can be learned or the degree of difficulty in learning something:a product with a difficult learning...
A learning curveis used to describe the progress someone has to make to gain experience or learn a new skill set.A steep learning curveindicates the task may be difficult and therefore take more effort. (学习曲线),用来描述人获取经验或者学习新技术的过程。a steep learning curve(曲折的学习曲线)...
The Learning Curve was founded by Jenny Silvester, a successful and committed teacher with over 20 years’ experience in the classroom. Inspired by a desire to help younger pupils, on an individual basis, realise their full potential; and a long held ambition to share her love of learning a...
Experience curveContinuous improvementForecastingLearningImprovementLearning cycleLotkaVolterraDespite the popularity of the "learning" curve, it should be called the "forecasting" curve. Given an industrial process, the traditional learning curve forecasts how costs are expected to decline (or other ...
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from the basics and how to find good properties and how to invest in real estate. Top 3 things I liked: that all learnings from this seminar areall based on experience, that there are different ways to buy properties with a limited amount of money, and I learned how to plan my future...
For me, the learning part of this outing meant truly understanding what it meant to be a real beginner. Not just a first-time backpacker, but someone who had never had a real backcountry experience. Jewel was enthusiastic and in shape, but she came from a realm far from the outdoor r...