The Exorcist: Directed by William Friedkin. With Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn. When a mysterious entity possesses a young girl, her mother seeks the help of two Catholic priests to save her life.
The Exorcist followed 12-year-old Regan (Linda Blair), who became possessed by a demon named Pazuzu. The Exorcist is regarded as one of the greatest horror movies ever and marked the beginning of a franchise.Friedkins horror classic was followed by four movies and a short-lived TV series,...
1973 | The Exorcist Featured News Best Football Movies Best Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween Mike Flanagan to Direct ‘The Exorcist: Deceiver’ Where You Can Watch ‘The Exorcist: Believer’ Changes Likely for ‘The Exorcist: Believer’ Sequels Movie Review: ‘The Exorcist: Believer’ Similar...
TV series Description:Widely regarded as the greatest horror movie ever made, “The Exorcist” broke box office records and terrified audiences around the world. Now, more than four decades later, THE EXORCIST returns as a contemporary psychological TV thriller following two very different priests ...
“The Exorcist: Believer” is the latest installment in theExorcistfranchise, and it’s safe to say that it falls short of the high expectations that fans of the series might have had. This film manages to be both a bland entry in the franchise and a forgettable horror flick in its own...
The demon that comes from The Exorcist's interpretation of that idea is something more powerful than a Freddy or a Jason. Something that can't be shot or stabbed or detonated. Before it can be attacked, let alone defeated, it has to first be believed in -- as terrible and soul-...
SinceWilliam Friedkin's 1973 horror masterpieceThe Exorcistsent moviegoers vomiting and screaming from theaters, the once-discreet ritual has risen to unprecedented heights on screen (and in real life) — leaving audiences with images of broken crucifixes, pools of bile, and buckets of holy water...
The Exorcist : A true, personal story from the experience, I Love Horror Movies. Is one movie that still never fails to spook the crap out of me still. I let my 11 year old niece watch part of it much to the consternation of my big sister. What's even mo
The Exorcist: Believer has revived The Exorcist series, but if you fancy a catch-up before going to see the new movie, you might be wondering how it connects to the five previous movies. In much the same way that director David Gordon Green continued the Halloween series, The Exorcist: ...
Let’s re-visit what our fans determined were the 10 Scariest Horror Movies Ever. 1.The Exorcist (1973) You may not agree thatThe Exorcistis the scariest movie ever, but it probably also isn’t much of a surprise to see it at the top of our list — with a whopping 19% of all th...