The Exorcist 电影一开始的三段铺垫过于冗长,这是一大遗憾,而且正片与这三段铺垫衔接不是很好。不过铺垫有作用。第一段是Merrin神父在伊拉克考古,这段没什么对话,但是有很多隐喻和细节。考古是挖到了钱币和雕像。钱币上的图案是圣母抱着孩子,钱币某种程度上可以辟邪(后面Damien神父也戴了一个差不多的钱币项链),助手说...
and the movie doesn’t attempt to offer any fresh or innovative spin on it. We’ve seen this story play out countless times before, and “Exorcist: Believer” doesn’t do much to distinguish itself from the competition.
The Exorcist: Directed by William Friedkin. With Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn. When a mysterious entity possesses a young girl, her mother seeks the help of two Catholic priests to save her life.
影评选转 - The Exorcist - 《昔日的古典》 提示:这篇影评可能有剧透 如果此片是近十年所拍的话,绝对会被人诟病结构散乱,节奏混乱,重点不明吧。但这是一部上世纪80年代的作品,它的散慢个性在同时期作品中也经常可以看到。而且考虑到这是一部小说改编作品,其剧本的冗长也是情有可原的,最多只能说它改编的方... 1973, IMDB250, 影评0The Exorcist(驱魔人)1973非常传统的一部恐怖片。上个世界七十年代的经典,现在来看,节奏和情节都过于简单了。虽然现在看起来不那么刺激,但是两个小时的时间一晃就过,还算紧紧的抓住了我的心。作为一部情节这么简单的一部恐怖片,可以看出导演在拍摄...
The Pope’s Exorcistis certainly intriguing when diving into Gabriele’s soldier backstory and one particular sin he has improperly atoned for, but director Julius Avery never fully breaks free from playing things straight and jumping into the truly bonkers genre chaos fromOverlordthat immediately cem...
The Exorcist sequel brings back Ellen Burstyn, but it doesn't live up to the original movie: here's our review of The Exorcist: Believer, out on October 6.
A major shortcoming of Avery’s treatment is reinforcing how much he adoresThe Exorcist. There will always be similarities between the films because of the subject matter. It is not the depiction of exorcism or the conversations about good and evil that jar. It is the lack of unique moments...
2. The Exorcist (1973)Image credit: Warner Bros. Director: William Friedkin | Writer: William Peter Blatty | Stars: Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair | Release Date: December 26, 1973 | Runtime: 122 mins | Review: IGN's The Exorcist review "Tubular Bells" is the scariest musi...
I’m going to start this review by saying that The Exorcist II: The Heretic is a terrible movie that should never have been made. It’s boring & filled with nonsense that doesn’t even come close to touching on what made the original so compelling. Hoping for scares? Look elsewhere beca...