Is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Watchworthy? This musical dramedy follows a successful lawyer who impulsively moves across the country to chase after her long-lost love. Filled with catchy tunes, outrageous moments, and unexpected emotional depth, it offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre. Premi...
While her girlfriend, Alicia (Midori Francis), is also in Boston, Leighton is ultimately transferring because of MIT’s math program, which will help her with her future career in finance.“I don’t wanna go,” Rapp tells her friends at one point. “I can’t imagine not having you ...
A Hindu flower seller named Kamala finds herself falling for Salim, a Muslim refugee. While the star-crossed lovers figure out their lives, a widow dreams of her past as a movie star, and Kamala's younger sister befriends a child dishwasher. Embracing orange and red hues, with imaginative ...
They don't know she's gay. Stewart is magnetic, putting her jumpy energy to perfect use in the romcom setting, and an excellent supporting cast including Daniel Levy as Abby's friend John, Alison Brie as Harper's sister and Aubrey Plaza as an ex-girlfriend mean every plot strand is en...
(future leading ladyKristine Frøseth) finds herself caught between two best friends. A finale that holds its secrets tight until the last minute, sets and costumes that used every farthing of Apple's generous budget, and a youthful energy make this show a fun watch. -Tim Surette[Trailer] ...
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looking for an apartm looking for autu looking for friends looking for instant g looking for lost arti looking for mother on looking for notes looking for the feeli looking for the light looking forward to ha looking foward to looking genuinely ple looking gorgeous in y looking into his face...
The audience of her comedy special is welcomed in with a conspiratorial tone and invitingly mischievous grin, as if we're all girlfriends gathered for an all-you-can drink brunch. Her stories come fast, furious, and savagely funny, thanks to her cutting candor, feminist edge, and outrageous...
The Wild Wild World of Jayne Mansfield: Directed by Charles W. Broun Jr., Joel Holt, Arthur Knight. With Jayne Mansfield, Mickey Hargitay, Rocky Roberts and The Airdales, The Ladybirds. Jayne Mansfield shares her experiences from her last trip around the
Michael, believing he has herpes, contacts all his ex-girlfriends, including Jan and Holly. Andy tries to play on Erin’s compassionate side by holding a sex education meeting for the office. Season: 7 Episode Number: 14 108 Livin' The Dream May 2, 2013 39 votes Andy attempts to get ...